The Movement Takes a New Turn
- Malcom Little
- Father was a minister "back to Africa"--Marcus Garvey
- 7 year sentence for burglary
Nation of Islam
- Elijah Muhammad
- Allah would bring a "Black Nation"
- wanted economic self sufficiency
Black nationalism
- fiery speeches
- Louis Farrakhan
- Opposed integration
- X and Muhammad disagree about political action
- creates Muslim Mosque
- Pilgrimage to Mecca
- Chages beliefs and shot to death in 1965
- Influenced SNCC
- Stokely Carmicheal
- tired of nonviolence
- "We Shall Overrun"
- "Black Power"
Black Panthers
- 1966
- Bobby Seale and Huey Newton
- "Power flows from the barrel of a gun"
- "Black is beautiful"
de jure segregation
- racial segregation by law
de facto segregation
- separation caused by social conditions
1964 riots
- Rochester, New York, New Jersey
Watts Riots
- 1965
- black drunk driver beaten by white cops
- 6 days
- 34 dead and 1,000 + injured
- April 4, 1968
- Hotel balcony
- High powered rifle
- James Earl Ray confesses, recants three days later, then pleads guilty
- conspiracy theories exist
- caused violence in over 120 cities
- Johnson uses 50,000 troops
Note: upon autopsy MLK Jr. was determined to have the heart of a 60-year-old, despite being only 39 (possibly stress induced?)
Robert Kennedy
- Democrat- decides to run for president in 1968
- Johnson drops out
- wins California primary
- Killed by an assassin in the Ambassador hotel, Los Angeles
- Sirhan Sirhan--Jordanian who disliked Kennedy's Israel policy