Affirming students in their cultural connections
Being Personally Inviting
- Race & Ethnicity
- Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation
- Cultural Style
- Personality
- Interests
Reinforcing Students in Their Academic Development
- "Catching kids being smart"
- High expectations for all
- Genuine respect for cultural ways of knowing
- Making kids feel smarter than even they think they are
- Students "get it that we like them"
- Students believe that we enjoy being in their presence
- Creating a culture of caring and positive personal regard in our classrooms
Creating Physically and Culturally Inviting Learning Environments
Accommodating our instruction to the cultural and learning differences of our students
- Students get a sense that "this school looks and feels like me"
- Multicultural images on the walls, the textures and colors, the sounds and other sensory inputs communicate to students and parents that "this place belongs to us"
- Meaningful and Accessible instructional approach
- "Learning to sing harmony to our students' music
- Demonstrating a profound appreciation for the uniqueness and giftedness of each of our students
Creating opportunities that honor both the individuality and the collectivity of our students
Managing our classrooms with firm, consistent, and caring control
- Schooling has been based on individual performance and competition. Those exploited by white dominance are founded on communal, collaborative, and collectivist social interactions
- Build both modalities into classroom practices so that all students benefit from learning bicultural skills
- Balance of toughness, fairness, and love
- Much of disproportionate discipline of students of color by white educators is grounded in a fundamental disconnect between the socialized expectations of white teachers, and the survival needs and lived realities of those students
7 Principles for Culturally Responsive Teaching
(Howard, 2016, pp. 135-136).