Evidence of the crowding-out of intrinsic motivation
by extrinsic rewards
Why do people engage in pro-social actions? (Kits et al, 2014)
Altruism & prosocial behavior
Why do people engage in prosocial actions? (Kis et al, 2014)
Warneken & Tomasello (2008)
The influence of rewards on children’s helping
Test phase
same conditions but no reward nor praise;
The children subjects were exposed to a toy proven to be an effective reward in previous experiments with children.
• Theories of commitment: altruism & the right thing to do;
• Compliance to social norms: deriving utility from aligning to the norms;
• Theories of fairness & reciprocity: responding to others’ ‘kind’ actions;
children in the material reward condition help considerably less in the second phase;
Children in the praise and no reward treatments helped equally often;
Treatment phase
children were placed in a room with an adult who kept dropping objects on the floor
Three treatments:
- Material reward (toy);
- Praise ;
- No reward
Crowding-out effect & charity
- The voluntary Labour market
Damiano (2011):
Study of the role of monetary rewards in crowding-out intrinsic motivation in regular volunteering labour supply.
Initial study - Titmuss (1970) : Study of blood donation (pro-social action.)
Mellström & Johannesson (2008) :
A monetary reward cause a crowding-out effect
Difficult to signal altruism
A charitable option counteracts the crowding-out effect.
Increase donation, crowds-in
3 treatment conditions :
No payment / SEK 50 payment / SEK 50 payment with the option to give it to charity.
Gender differences: Crowding-out effect for women, reducing by almost 50% blood donors.
- Frey & Regen (2001): individuals perceive the reward as supportive, so it enlarges self-esteem and self-determination.
- Variables tested: Key factors for volunteer efforts - time spent in volunteering, the degree of volunteer motivation & the effect of monetary incentives
- 3 groups: intrinsically motivated / only monetary rewarded / Intrinsic + extrinsic = “Overall effect”
Volunteers with "overall effect" supply more hours than those who are only intrinsically motivated.
no crowding-out effect but "in"
Ariely et al. (2009) :
More effective rewards in private, rather than public for a prosocial activity.
Extrinsic motivations dilute the signal of the prosocial act,
the image value suffers and the incentive gets less effective.
Gneezy & Rustichini (2000):
Study of the crowding-out effect in volunteer work performance through monetary compensation
- A small payment is worse than no payment at all for a contract (Hidden cost/ unsatisfactory contract)
Services :
“Once a commodity, always a commodity”
Gneezy and Rustichini (2000) : The cost of putting a price on a social service
- A field experiment conducted in a day-care center.
- Introduction of penalties (Fine) into an incomplete contract (teachers/parents)
- No fine => low level of late arrivals
- Introducing a fine => the number of delays increase
- Fine was removed => not change in behaviours.
- Introducing a price had a real cost, with effects on behaviour.
The crowding out effect requires :
- Assymetry of information
- Sorting condition of rewards
(Bénabou & Tirole, 2003)
"Rewards are a positive reinforcer in the short term (in terms of frequency) but always decrease future motivation."
the introduction of rewards does not necessarily imply a decrease in the intrinsic motivation (agents only have incentives to hide it);
“playing hard to get” effect occurs only when the “supplier” is difficult to replace – inelastic demand;
The "Market" Frame (Schnedler and Vanberg, 2014)
The issue here is how confident the Principal is in the Agent’s intrinsic motivation.
Principal-Agent model & Psychology literature
A Principal who has bad news about the agent’s parameter BETA will fear the Agent is not motivated enough.
Signaling as an alternative explanation for crowding out effects;
The existence of rewards suggests a possible unpleasant and costly nature of the actions;
Individuals play hard to get when their activity becomes tradeable – maximize their payoff and boost the exchange value of their actions;
The Strenght of monitoring directly affects e
Dickinson and Villevale (2008)
Recent experiments & Applications
the Agent will shape his self-concepts based on his understanding of how the Principal perceives him.
Confidence-Management motive : Trust effect
2 factors increase the perception of rewards as monitoring :
- the object of the Agent's intrinsic motivation is also the source of his extrinsic compensation
- incentives received by the Agent are too large
James (2005)
2 players game with an Agent and a Principal
He would then provide strong incentives that will at least partially reveal BETA. Therefore, extrinsic motivation may “crowd-out” intrinsic motivation.
Agent select e, the level of effort to perform a task
The Looking-Glass-Self mechanism (Cooley, 1902)
Principal know a parameter BETA that affects the Agent's payoff from e (the level of effort)
The Agent do not know BETA
Crowding-out in politics:
an incentive to vote
He catch a signal SIGMA that is informative about BETA (more or less precised)
Presentation of the Principal-Agent paradigm
Panagopoulos (2013)
Investigated monetary incentives on voters’ turnout
2 field experiments
Design: a simple blandishment only / in addition, a financial reward ($2, $10, or $25) + control group (no mailing.)
Results: High rewards generated no crowding-out effect, resulting in higher turnout until a certain threshold (amount).
(Gerber and Green, 2000; 2008) : A $50 incentive to vote would apparently be no more effective than knocking on someone’s door.
Public interest: to incite people to vote for elections
Thus, Agent try to infer BETA from the policy p selected by the Principal to chose e*
Principal then select a policy p before the Agent's choice of action
Kits et al (2014): study on conservation auctions
a 12-trial, modified dictator game
hypothetical landowners were given the opportunity to make voluntary contributions that were costly to them but beneficial to society
- trials from 1 to 4 and 9 to 12: make voluntary contributions that were costly to them but beneficial to society (without reward – just choosing how much to pay for adoption)
- trials 5-8: introduction of conservative auctions mechanisms (subjects are also rewarded)
the presence of a crowding out effect - engagement levels decreases in trials 9-12;
Crowding-out effect & the environment
Haochen et al (2014): how incentives drive tourists actions in hotels
Two rewards:
- cash discounts
- environmental protective alternatives (washing and ironing of clothes)
subjects were given a questionnaire which measured environmental consciousness and their response to certain incentive types (green behaviour)
The payoff of the Agent and the Principal :
Ua(BETA, e , p) and Up(BETA, e, p)
environmental protective alternatives were more efficient at boosting green behaviour compared to the cash discounts
discounts did not positively affect the motivation
no crowding out effect;
relatively similar motivation for both of the groups;
Is the crowding-out effect less likely to appear when the beneficiaries of the actions are the ones who perform them?
Health related behaviour
Health related behavior
Set et al (2014): study on financial rewards on weight loss initiatives
Two field experiments:
with financial initiatives
without financial initiatives
The Overjustification Effect
- Motivation will determine individuals feeling toward performing a task
- Extrinsic motivations take precedence over intrinsic
- Due to salience of the extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation
Self-Perception Theory & Motivation Crowding Theory
- Intrinsic motivation- that which is done for its own sake. Intellectual satisfaction derived from the understanding of a meaningful solution.
- Extrinsic motivation- externally imposed reward or reinforcement. Reward inherent in activity itself.
- Reward becomes a constraint unless it contains positive information about the individuals competency and self-control
- Frey and Regan (2001) Motivation Crowding theory
- Mediation between economic model and pshychological theories
- Informational/supportive (crowding-in) and controlling (crowding-out) aspects of reward on intrinsic motivation
- Empirically relevant and demonstrable across different time-periods and countries
- Crowding-out effect a relatively recent concern in economics
- In psychology referred to as "overjustification effect", "corruption effect", and "hidden cost of reward".
I / Historical overview & Crowding out theories
II / The Principal-Agent (PA) Paradigm
III/ Recent experiments & Applications
Theoretical Development
Earliest evidence
Crowding Effect
"Out" & "in"
- Rosenfeld, Folger and Adelman (1980)
- Word games- 2 categories with 2 groups in each.
- Category A: competency condition- paid according to ability.
A1- overperformed.
A2- underperformed.
- Category B: payment-for-completion condition.
B1-paid per completed puzzle.
B2- paid by the hour.
- Earliest experimental demonstration Deci (1971)- payment v non payment to solve puzzles
Lepper, Greene and Nisbett (1973)- expected v unexpected rewards for preschool kids
Thank you for your attention
Importance of the context in which rewards occur
- Gneezy U., and Rustichini A. (2000). “A Fine Is a Price.” Journal of Legal Studies, 29, 1–17.
- Mellström, C. and Johannesson, M. (2008) Crowding-out in Blood Donation: was Titmuss right?, Journal of the European Economic Association.
- Benabou, R., & Tirole, J. (2003). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The Review of Economic Studies, 70(3), 489-520.
- Kits, Gerda J. , Adamowicz, Wiktor L. , Boxall, Peter C. (2014) Do conservation auctions crowd-out voluntary environmentally friendly activities?, Ecological Economics, 118-123.
- Schnedler W. & Vanberg C., (2014) Playing ‘hard to get’: An economic rationale for crowding out of intrinsically motivated behavior, European Economic Review, 106–115.
Capatina Bogdan
Harvey Diarmuid
Moreau Audrey
Rochvarger Hugo
Behavioral Economics
M2 Eco&Psycho