Extinction of
Giant Panda
Pandas are destined for extinction
- Black and white coloration
- Only eat bamboo
- No real environmental advantages
Main causes
- Human poaching: selling to black markets. (Pandas are believed to be magical in china.)
- Deforestation: humans have cut down trees, where Pandas eat bamboo trees and also live. They need a lot of space to roam around and find predators.
- Giant pandas live in china, which has the largest human population.
Natural Causes
- Breed slowly: only have 3 cubs at a time, and don't breed in captivity
- Global Warming: Pandas need a cool environment to live in, and the warmer climate may lead to extinction.
- Habitat Fragmentation: When habitat is split up, they have difficutly finding mates and food.
Ecological Description
- Located in South-Central China
- Habitat is bamboo forests, which are usaully cut down for roads and other industrial uses
- Eat 99% bamboo, which is becoming more rare.
- Solitary excpet for breeding moths (March to May)
- Only raise one panda in the wild, leave weaker litter to starve
- Unattended young are prey to yellow-throated martin, weasel and golden cat. Adults protected,
Preffered Solutions
- Population is currently declining
- Creating new reserves and linking up existing panda populations are key to the species' future
- WWF (World Wildlife Fund) partnered with the Chinese government to provide bamboo corridors to link fragmented habitats
- Adult pandas are heavily protected with serious punishments
- . The Chinese authorities have increased the number of panda reserves to 67 in recent years, but this still leaves around 1/3rd of wild pandas outside protected areas