Sub-maximal VO2 Testing
12 Minute Run
Reasoning for choosing:
Purpose: To establish an estimated VO2 max.
- Client has passed pre-screening
- Client is low risk level
- Client already has a decent cardiovascular foundation
- Time efficient
- Minimal personnel required
- Facilities
Pre-Test Instructions
Information the client needs to know before the test:
- Wear loose fitting, exercise type clothing as well as athletic tennis shoes.
- Avoid tobacco or caffeine 3 hours prior to test
- Avoid alcohol 12 hours prior to test
- Avoid strenuous activity or exercise 24 hours prior to test
- Consume plenty of fluids 24 hours prior to test
- Get an adequate amount of rest (6-8 hours)
Test Protocol
Test Protocol (continued)
The test will be stopped when/if:
- Running/walking track with measured distances
- Visible markers
- Stopwatch
- Whistle
- The whistle is blown, signaling the 12 minute limit is up
- The client experiences any adverse effects that would be contraindicated to continue testing
- Severe shortness of breath
- Sudden onset angina
- Severe or sudden pain that limits the client's ability to perform
Results and Intepretation
- Perform brief warm up consisting of (5-10) minutes
- Client will run as far as possible during 12 minute duration
- Distance will be recorded and converted into meters (m); 1 lap is a quarter (0.25) of a mile
- Results will be put into VO2 max formula
- The client's VO2 max was 53.39 ml/kg/min
Based off of their age (22), weight (190 lbs or 86.07 kgs), and their estimated VO2 max:
- The client placed into the 80th percentile and would be considered to have an above average VO2 max.
Data and Calculations
- Distance coverred in 12 minutes: 1.5 miles (1 mile= 1609.34 meters)
- So 1.5 miles x 1609.34= 2414.01 meters (m)
- Then we plug (m) ran into the VO2 max formula for this test (VO2 max= [0.0268 x (m)] - 11.3
- [0.0268 x 2414.01m] -11.3
- [64.69] - 11.3
- VO2 max = 53.39 ml/kg/min