Management Approaches
Leadership in Education and Human Care Organizations
Principals at site-based managed schools
- Effective communication
- Establish mutuality of goals and need
for cooperation through conflict
- Share information
- Demonstrate technical knowledge
- Facilitate solution-oriented discussions
that address conflict between employees
Human Care Professionals
- Burnout (emotional exhaustion) as main contributor to conflict amongst human care professionals
- Human care professionals intrinsically motivated by their success with clients
- Repressive organizational structures stifle success; leads to burnout
- Effective conflict management: develop social cohesion; allow employees autonomy in their development and implementation of interventions
(leiter, 1991)
(Henkin, Cistone, & Dee, 2001)
Positive Effect On Team Performance
Collaborative/Cooperative Approach
Alper et al., (2000), Jehn (1995), Tjosvold (1990), Tjosvold et al., (1992)
- Effective for each conflict type
- Leads to creative solutions
- Increased efficacy
- Increased team member satisfaction
De Dreu & Van Vianen, 2001)
Accommodate and hope tensions decrease (Gelfand, et al., 2012)
Effective response to relationship conflict
- Takes focus away from task behaviors
- Individuals sensitive to personal values
Dominant/Competitive Approach
Displays of power and coercion to win disputes (Gelfand et al., 2012)
- Passionate arguments lead to high level ideas
- Effective for task and process conflict
Discuss openly and develop solutions that benefit all parties (Gelfand et al., 2012)
Conflict Management in Human Service Organizations
Conflict management and collaborative communication as essential skills and professional entities in Intensive Care Units
(Strack van Schijndel & Buchardi, 2007)
Managerial practices based on communication and collaborative conflict management leads to culture of staff development and high performance in hospital settings
How can a collaborative culture be fostered
Strategies continued
Establish group norms and processes in anticipation of potential conflicts
- Group processes rather than individual plans
- Assign tasks based on relative strengths rather than seniority or rotation
- Openly discuss purpose and reasoning that leads to decisions
Strategies that encourage collaboration
- Review of specific incident
- Developmental intent
- Active self-learning
- Multiple perspectives
(Tannenbaum & Cerasoli, 2013)
Conflict Types
Relationship Conflict
Interpersonal animosity
(De Dreu & Van Vianen, 2001)
Process Conflict
Task Conflict
What work should be completed? What are our priorities? (Jehn, 1997)
How will we allocate time and resources to meet our objectives? (Behfar & Peterson, 2011)
Intragroup Conflict: Management Approaches and Effect on Team Performance
Based on Jim Harvey's speech structures