The Concept of Knowledge
The Concept of Nature / Universe
- In Islam, nature/universe comprises of the "heavens and the earth and all in between," a phrase which is repeated numerous times in the Qur'an. The nature/universe is basically another sign given to man to direct him to worship God, the Creator.
- There is also the world of the gha-ghayb (invisible) which is equally real and existing to the Muslims.
- Nature is in natural submission to God (7:54; 22:18; 24:41) in ways known only to God and is meant for man to utilize
- Man is asked to reflect on the majesty and orderliness of nature, to see these "signs" of Gods existence and mercy man (2:21-22; 116-117; 14:32-34), thus to submit himself to God.
A comprehensive world view (or worldview) is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the entirety of the individual or society's knowledge and point of view. A world view can include natural philosophy; fundamental, existential, and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions, and ethics.
The term is a calque of the German word Weltanschauung, composed of Welt ('world') and Anschauung ('view' or 'outlook')
It is a concept fundamental to German philosophy and epistemology and refers to a wide world perception. Additionally, it refers to the framework of ideas and beliefs forming a global description through which an individual, group or culture watches and interprets the world and interacts with it.
- To study the concept of world view in which each economic system has linked or derived its perception of economic, social, or political life to be operated with.
"Behold, thy Lord said to the angels " I will create a vicegerent on earth". They said: " Will Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? Whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not" (2:30)
With the intellectual capabilities, men are given the freedom to choose. According to Shari'ati (1979) as quoted in Triyuwono and Gaffikin(1996);
"It is only man who can rebel against the way different from that in which he was created, who can defy even his spiritual or bodily needs, and act against the dictates of goodness and virtue..He is free to be good or to be evil, to resemble mud or to resemble God".
The Islamic worldview is grounded in Allah (God), Mohammad (the ultimate and final prophet of Allah), and the Qur’an (the Word of Allah delivered through Mohammad beginning in about 610 AD). Islam means submission to Allah and a Muslim is one submitted to Allah. About 1/5th of the world’s population is Muslim, about three-quarters of which are non-Arabs. Our friends at Summit Ministries have helped us explain the basics of the Islamic worldview across ten major categories. For comprehensive coverage of each concept.
The concept of khalifah entails that one has to manage this world according to the Divine Will. Meanwhile, realizing the resources owned by a company are actually entrusted by other people i.e shareholders,depositors,etc.. This require those who manage the company to be amanah.
The purpose of man's
creation/aim in life
The concept of Deen/religion
Tawheed al-Rububbiyah
There is only one God which is Allah, Who caused all things to exist and the only Lord of the universe. This type of tawheed is not only accepted by Muslims but also the whole mankind.
"I have created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me" (51:50)
The concept of Propethood
Islamic worldview would give meanings and purpose of all actions done by human beings, particularly Muslims. Muslims will be guided and directed to the area of inline with aqidah, tasawuff, and syariah principles and values.
Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah
- The primary aim of life for human described Islam is to achieve happiness or falah ultimate sucess and pleasure of Allah.
- Islam is derived from the root SLM (pronounced silm)
which means to surrender,to submit. The other meaning of SLM (pronounced salm) means peace. Hence, one can achieve real peace only by totally submitting or surrending oneself to Allah
- Even though our aim is to achieve hapiness in the hereafter, Islam never requires us to abandon everything that relates to this world;
- Believing in the existence of the ghai'bat (invisible world) such as Heaven, Hell, Evil, etc is another way of perceiving this world which some of Westerners refused to accept it.
- By having faith in the rewards and punishments, the concept of accountability plays a major role.
- As a Muslims, we should believe that we will held accountable to whatever we did during our life.
The utmost important tawheed, which distinguishes a Muslim from a non-Muslim, is Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah. It requires all forms of worship must be directed only to Allah because He alone deserves worship and there is no intermediary between man and God.
"But seek, with the (wealth) which God has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world; but do thou good, as God has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for God loves not those who do mischief"
Tawheed al-Asmaa
It request the creature to have unconditional belief on the 99 Names of Allah as well as His Attributes.
- From the Qur'anic verse, we understand that the purpose of our existence in this world is worship Allah
- The concept of 'ibadah is very relevant. It also reflects the requirement of tawheed al-ibadah as described previously where an 'abd' must make sure that he only worship the One and only, Allah.
- "Those who believe and whose hearts find remembrance of Allah-indeed it is in the thought of Allah alone that the heart of man really find rest-those who believe and act righteously. Joy is for them, and blissful home to return to (al-Qur'an, 13:28-29)
In order for men to discharge their responsibilies as an 'abd, Allah has provided them with Holy Qur'an. Holy Qur'an provides the answer to that all important questions by importing sure and complete guidance in all different problems of human life,including ethics. Apart from that, Allah has sent us the Prophet in which all the good examples can be found:
"Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beatiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of God". (33:21)
The concept of Man/khalifah
The functions of Prophets
- To convey divine message to the people
- To explain the divine to the people
- To act as a role model-qudwatun hasnah
- To correct people's wrong doings.
- The Unity of God implies that there is no separation between religion and material life.
- The Islamic religion regulates every aspects of life its followers, including politics, economics, social, and so on.
- In addition, Islam is not merely a religion but it is a complete way of life. The term " way of life" is actually extracted from Arabic word din.
- According, to Muratta and Chittick, literally din means "to obey, to submissive and to serve".
The concept of God
- From an Islamic point of view, human being is created by God in fitrah, a state of free from any sin.
- However, some Westerners (especially Christians) believe in the idea of original sin.
- This concept implies that the moment a human being comes into this world, he has already inherited in himself the failures and sins of his ancestors (Chapra,1992).
- Men are endowed with 'aql (intellectual) so that they can utilize its capacity to manage this world in accordance to the Divine Will (Haneef,1997 ; Hamid, 1999).
- That is why men have been conferred the title of God's khalifah is directly mentioned in the Qur'an,the very first time God intended to create human being.
- God is the only Creator, Sustainer and Cherisher of the Universe. This concept is summarised in the key term Tawheed. Tawheed is an Arabic term, which has often been translated into English as "monotheism", the belief in One God as opposed to dualism,polytheism or atheism. Theologically, it means the Oneness, Uniqueness and incomparability of Allah (God) to any of His creatures.