First Fleet - James Bloodsworth
What was life like in the new colony?
- When James Bloodsworth arrived in Port Jackson he built a brick factory.
- He also built the very first government house.
- Got Married and had 8 children.
- After building the government house the government was impressed.
James Bloodsworth - Convict of the first fleet
The Ship
- James Bloodsworth
- Born 1759 in Kingston
- Died 1804 In Sydney
- James Bloodsworth was sent to Australia on The Charlotte.
- He was sent on a convict ship.
- The Charlotte weighed 335 tons and was 35 long!
Interesting Facts
- James Bloodsworth was originally an Architect and master brick maker in England.
- James Bloodsworth died from pneumonia.
Trip To Australia
Reason For Transportation
- The Charlotte faced very bad weather on the way to Australia.
- On The journey many convicts were ill, luckily James Bloodsworth was not on of them.
- The Charlotte had four stops on the way, Canary Islands, Cape Town, Rio'de Janeiro, and Botany Bay.
- James Bloodsworth was sent by the government to build in Australia.
- But he didn't have the right tools for the job, so he stole some.
- After that James Bloodsworth was going to be sent to Australia as a convict and a Master Brick maker.
- And James Bloodsworth also stole 2 chickens.