Limit Choices
Take Control
Stress Management 101
- Success leads to happiness.
- People are not very resilient.
- Stress is a bad thing.
- Our habits are fixed after maturity.
- Inactivity is more enjoyable than hard work.
- When stressed, the best thing to do is close your office door.
- You need to be happy all of the time.
- Focus on the positive, look for opportunities
- Create meaning to everything you do. Ask yourself "why?"
- Believe in yourself and have positive expectations
- Know that you are not alone
- Keep data
- Negative Anchors
- Lack of Control
- Too Many Choices
- Isolation
- Getting lost in thought
What Stresses you out?
- Better Awareness
- Control
- Limiting Choices
- Social Interaction
- Action and focus
Helpful Literature
managing stress and increasing happiness to become more productive and successful
Leaders Eat Last
When Breath Becomes Air
Creativity, Inc.
Triumphs of Experience
The Happiness Project
The Five Second Rule
When Breath Becomes Air
The Power of Habit
"Kid, You'll Move Mountains!"
*The Happiness Advantage
*The Power of Habit
*The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
*Smarter, Faster, Better
*Start with Why
*The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
*The Miracle Morning
*Designing your life
*High Performance Habit
The Achievement Habit
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Culture Code
- I want you to know I am available
- I want to teach you practical aspects of your profession.