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Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie

Literary Devices



"I felt like I have been stabbed in the gut with an icicle"

This is a simile because it compares two things with like.(page 9)

"Girls melt when I get near them."

This is a metaphore, becuase Mitch compares himself to something that melts.(page 3)



"She seemed a million miles away."

This is a hyperole because it exaggerates the distance between them.(page 8)

"Any idea what its going to be like?" "Like a Tomb Raider movie."

This is an allusion becuase it refers to an outside sourse.

(page 3)

By: David Lubar

Personal Reflection

I think that this book it a wonderful book. It has comedy, romance, and drama. " The name I came up with was Ema Nekaf." This is funny beacuse if you read the name backwards it is Fake Name." This book is great for teens and even young adults. "She was gorgeous." Scotts crush was gorgeous and had a huge crush on her. This book really intriguing and grabs you from the start. From the very first word to the very last this book is awesome. I recommomend this book to the whole world.

Published in 2005


Man v Man

Man v Himself

Background Info

Scott has a lot of conflict within himself. For example he has conflict in whether to talk to his crush or not. This is a Man v himself because he is "fighting" with himself whether he should talk to his crush or not.

Comedy Drama Fiction

Scott has Man v Man conflict with Vernon, the starting football quaterback, becuase Scott makes a sports cartoon about their school's football team, and makes fun of the Vernon. Vernon got very mad and hunted Scott down to get his revenge. This is a Man v Man conflict, because


Man v Socity

Man v Nature

Scott faces a Man v Naturn when his mom becomes pregnant and his parents stop paying as much attenttion to him. this is difficult for him, because he needs his parent's attention during tough times and his parents are more foucused on the baby than him. This is a

Scott faces himeslf in a Man v Society when all of his friends leave him, whether it is for a girl, new friends, or moving away, but when old friends leave, new ones come to fill their spot. Despite Scott losing his friends he overcomes that by making new ones. This is Man v Society beacuse his friends is his socity and he has a conflict with them.

Man v Nature because having a baby is nature and that effects him greatly.

The setting of this book is in J.P Zenger High School. You know this cause the whole book is based around highschool, and you can tell that by using context clues. This book is based in the 20th century and you tell this by this quote "or Indian Jones"(pg. 3), because this movie was made in 1989 which is in the 20th century. The mainevent that effected the plot was him starting highschool, because if didnt there would be no story.

Scott and Veron have a conflict together

Michael Milroy

Ms. Hill

9th grad Honors LA P6

13 August 2015

Plot Diagram


Kelly leads Scott into an Ambush by Vernon to get "payback" for Scott talking to Julia(his girlfriend). This is a big change in the book ,because Kyle comes to get Vernon off of Scott and they where no longer enemies.

Rising action

Falling Action

Scott makes the mistake by talking to Julia. This makes Vernon very angry and sends threats to Scott.

Then Julia breaks up with Vernon leaving her avaliable for Scott. Scott is no longer scared of Vernon. This make Julia very lonly at school

Rising Action

Scott notices that Julia and Vernon where dacing at the school dance. After that they started to date. This pretty much lowerd Scotts chances to be with his crush, Julia.

Falling Action

Scott meets this girl named Lee and they have a lot in common. Scott doesnt want to be seen with her ,because she is know as the "weird girl" at the school.

Rising Action

Scott writes for the paper about the football team and makes fun of a upper classmen, Vernon. Vernon them becomes enemies with Scott, making him forced to write good things about him in the paper.

Falling Action


Rising Action

Eventually Lee and Scott become really good friends and Scott ends up asking Lee to the big end of the year dance, while Julia has no date to go to the dance with

Scott sees that Julia has change over the summer and really like her, but does not have the guts to talk to her. He is afraid to talk to her becuase he is scared that she will not remember him from kindergarden.

The charachters are Scott, the main character who is going to into highschool, Julia, Scotts crush, and Veron, Julias boyfriends and the quater back of the football team. The setting is at J.P Zinger Highrough the whole bookschool, where Scott experences his 9th grade year. The conflict is that Veron does not like Scott so Scott runs from him the whole story.


Falling action

Scott notices that Julia is at the dance is all alone. Lee notices this and asked Scott if he would like to dance with her. Scott went over to Julia and asked her and she said yes. They start talking about how they have known eachother for ever. Julia say "You have it made Scott." Scott says in shock, "No I don't."

She goes on how he is on the newspaper, student council, and stage crew.How Scott has no drama to worrie about.

Scott, Wesly, and Lee are all great friends. Scott is no longer afraid of Vernon, and Scott is friends wih Julia. He is no longer afraid to talk to her.

Scott and Kyle are no longer enemies. Scott passed the 9th grade and also kept all of his limbs.

Pro and Antagonist

The protagagonist of the book is Scott Hudson. He is nervous about highschool and also thinks he is a nobody. Has lots of regrets but turns out to be good choices.

The antagagonist is Himself, because he does not want to be open, but instead really shy. He is afraid to to certain thing in the 9th grade. All he wants to do is be popular but does have the guts to try.

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