The Two-Party System In American History
The Start of A New Era
Section 3
1968 to present, Republicans won 7 of 10 elections
But Congress is usually controlled by Democrats, leading to a divided Government
Era of the Democrats 1800-1860
Won 13 of 15 Presidential Elections
Whig Party
Party split into conflicting groups
-Led by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster
- elected only 2 Presidents
- William Harrison, 1840
- Zachary Taylor, 1848
-Whig Party formed to challenge the Democrats
- 1850s the Whig Party dissolved
3 Fundamental Changes in the Nation's political Landscape
1. Voting rights for all white males
2. Huge increase in the number of elected offices around the country
3. Spread of the spoils system- practice of awarding public offices, contracts, and governmental favors to those who supported the party in power.
Democratic-Republicans were unopposed in national politics
The First Clash
Election of 1796
- John Adams, Federalist, defeated Thomas Jefferson
Election of 1800
-Jefferson defeated the incumbent- current officeholder
- End of the Federalist
3 Fundamental changes in the Nation's political landscape
The Nation's First Parties
Era of Republicans 1860-1932
Began during the battle over the Ratification of the Constitution.
-over the proper form and role of the government in the United States.
Won 14 of 18 elections
Republicans won the next 3 elections
-Harding, 1920
-Coolidge, 1924
-Hoover, 1928
Election of 1912
Anti-Federalist/ Democratic Republicans
-led by Thomas Jefferson
-limited role for new government
-appealed to laborers and farmers
-strict interpretation of the Constitution
-Republican Howard Taft VS "Bull Moose" Progressive Party former Republican President Theodore Roosevelt
-Split Republican support between Taft and Roosevelt
- Democratic nominee, Woodrow Wilson won
-reelected in 1916
Federalist Party- First to appear
- formed by Alexander Hamilton
-strong National Government
-appealed to manufacturing and commercial interests
-liberal interpretation of the Constitution
-Democrats suffered because of the Civil War except in the South
- Elected Grover Cleveland in 1884 and 1892
The Return of the Democrats, 1932-1968
Won 7 of 9 Elections
Election 1932
Due to the Great Depression FDR won
-marked a shift in the public's attitude toward the role of government in the nation's social and economic life
Roosevelt reelected in 1936, 1940, 1944
-Truman completed the fourth term following FDR's death in 1945
-elected in 1948
Election 1952 & 1956
won by Republican Eisenhower
Election 1960
Democrat JFK won
-succeed by Lyndon Johnson when JFK was assassinated in 1963
- Johnson was elected in 1964