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Continuous functions:
Ad hoc functions:
ICTY & ICTR completion / exit strategy
-1998: GA review of effectiveness
-1999: Panel of experts report,
"focus on leadership cases."
-2000: Judges proposals, including adding ad litem judges
-2001: Del Ponte "exit strategy": complete investigations by 2004 and complete trials by 2008. Transfer cases.
-2003: UNSC Res 1503 endorses completion strategy.
-Challenges: late arrests (2011), fitness of accused.
-Pressure to close. Target v. deadline? Closure 2015/2017
IRMCT: Searching for the [ICTR] fugitives
Indicted individuals
still at large
ICTR closed 31 Dec. 2015
IRMCT Arusha branch opened 2012
ICTY closed 31 Dec. 2017
IRMCT The Hague branch opened 2013
Olufemi Elias
Serge Brammertz
Carmel Agius
Stanišić & Simatović Re-trial
The United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1966 establishing the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals on 22 December 2010.
Retrial started 13 June 2017 (defence phase now)
Ngirabatware case
Turinabo et al contempt case
6-accused case to be tried in Arusha (postponed)
Case recently on appeal before the Mechanism:
Karadžić Appeal concluded
Convictions affirmed and sentence increased to life. The IRMCT is seeking a state to enforce his prison sentence.