- Presentation of the Single Market Act I
- Presentation of the Single Market Act II
Single Market Act I (April2011)
- The Commission put forward to discussion fifty propositions
- National and local levels
- More than eight hundred contributions
- Single Market: heart of the Europen project.
- Greatest european union asset to face the economic crisis.
- According to the Commission, to stimulate economic growth and bring social progress was necessary.
- Beneficial for consumers, workers and small enterprises.
- April 2011, Single Market Act (I).
- October 2012, Single Market Act (II) .
Single Market Act I ( April 2011)
- Twelve immediate priorities.
- To improve growth, employment and confidence in the Single Market.
- Aims for an high competitive social market economy.
12 Levers:
- 1. Access to financing for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)
- 2. Citizens’ mobility
- 3. Intellectual property rights
- 4. The consumers, actors of a unique market
- 5. Services
- 6. Networks
- 7. Digital unique market
- 8. Social entrepreneurship
- 9. Tax level
- 10. Social cohesion
- 11. Businesses’ regulatory environment
- 12. Public markets
Single Market Act I
(April 2011)
Single Market Act II (2012)
III - Supporting the digital economy across Europe
- 8. Services: support online services by making electronic payments more efficient
- 9. Digital single market: give as many individuals and businesses as possible access to highspeed communication infrastructures.
- 10. Electronic invoicing: promote electronic invoicing.
Some key levels:
- Access to financing for SMEs : to facilitate that the venture capital’s funds established in a Member State can invest in any other Member State, without any obstacle.
- Networks’ legislation: energetic infrastructures and transports and tries to identify and deploy the strategic projects of European interest, but also to ensure the interoperability.
- Social entrepreneurship’s key action: to create a European frame facilitating the social investments’ funds.
Thank you for your attention!
Single market Act II ( 2012)
Single Market Act II (2012)
I. Developing fully integrated networks in the Single Market.
- 1. Rail transport – improve quality of service and prices for rail passengers across the EU.
- 2. Maritime transport – create a single market for sea transport to simplify the shipping of goods.
- 3. Air transport – enhance the safety, efficiency and environmental performance of air travel.
- 4. Energy – further integrate the EU energy market, to provide better service to consumers at affordable prices, promote renewable energy & energy efficiency and guarantee security of supply.
IV - Strengthening social entrepreneurship, cohesion and consumer confidence/non-discrimination
- 11. Consumers: improve the safety of products through.
- 12. Social cohesion: it ensure to all EU citizens access to a basic bank account,
Single Market Act II (2012)
II. Fostering mobility of citizens and businesses across borders
- 5. Individual mobility – to make it easier for citizens to look for a job in another Member State
- 6. Access to finance – to boost long term investment in the real economy
- 7. Business environment – to ease cross-border procedures and to help businesses to survive. And when they don't, offer entrepreneurs a second chance
Ben-Mehal Naïmé
Depril Duprès Tom
Gobillot Chloé
Lavina Lucie