- In June, Charles bought a forty-five caliber revolver
- Charles then wrote an address to the american people, making the case for Garfields assassination and accused Garfield to be on a course to wreck the once grand old Republican party
- He also mentioned that assassination is not murder, it is simply a necessity in politics
- On July 2nd, Charles assassinated the president
- While in Oneida, he demanded $9000 for his work he had done
- But, the people there didnt like him, they described him as moody, self-conceited, and unmanageable
- Charles never received the money and traveled back to Illinois
- http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/guiteau/guiteauaccount.html
- http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/gilded/jb_gilded_garshot_1.html
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- Charles Guiteau was born in Illinois on September of 1841
- His mother suffered from psychosis and died shortly after his 7th birthday
- His goals were to educate himself physically, intellectually, and moraly
- around 1865, he attempted to make his own newspaper, but failed
- In Illinois, Charles got married to a woman named Annie Bunn
- He became abusive and would lock her in the closet for hours, kick her, and drag her around the house by her hair
- after five years, the marriage ended
- Charles, once again, tried to own his own newspaper but failed
- He moved from passion to passion and finally settled in politics
- Charles was at the end, guilty as charged
- I agree with his sentnce because Charles was not insane
- I strongly believe this because in a letter about how he is going to assassinate the president, he said he is going to jail
- This shows that he knew assassinating the president was wrong