Roe v. Wade
Question of the court
Does the Constitution embrace a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion?
Facts of the case
- A Texas resident wanted to terminate her pregnancy by abortion
- Texas law prohibited abortions unless life of woman is of risk
- The court heard arguments twice
- First time, Roe's attorney could not find any constitutional hook
- Second time, her argument was sharpened
- The court held a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy
- The Laws of 46 states were affected by the court's ruling
who do you
Is it ProLife or prochoice?
agree with
Abortion causes intense psychological pain and stress and can cause mental disorders in life
After watching these videos, what do you think now?
The court had found that a woman's right to an abotion violated the right to privacy
With that being said the law changed for 46 states so women may get an abortion if wanted
In the case of rape, abortion punish the unborn child who commited no crime
In the case of rape,forcing a woman made pregnant by this act would cause them more psychological harm
The second time the argument was sharpened with her constitutional argument
Jane Roe, a Texas resident, wanted to end her pregnancy with an abortion, but due to Texas laws women are not allowed to have an abortion unless at the risk of her life.
Since life begins at conception, abortion is murder as it is taking away a growing human life
Abortion creates stress just like any other difficult situation
A fetus cannot be considered a seperate person, as it can't exist outside the mother's womb.
The court had heard both arguments twice, the first time her attorney Sarah Weddington couldn't find any constitutional hook of her argument