In conclusion lions have successfully evolved into today's modern habitat. Unfortunately, not without struggle.
Human Impacts
- Commercial trade of lion skins (hunting)
- Lion population is decreasing drastically
- Decrease of territory, many lions are on reserves
Closely Related Organisms
- Big cats such as cheetahs, tigers and cougars
- Bears
- They roar to communicate and warn their pack of intruders
- They have long claws that are retractable to catch and hold on to their prey
- Rough tongues help to peel the flesh and skin away from prey
Modern Lion Habitat
- Today, most lions live in desert areas with scrubs, grasslands and open woodlands.
Earliest Ancestors of Lions
- Many carnivorous animals such as bears and big cats share common ancestors, for example the Dormaalocyon.
- These small mammals lived in a habitat with low sea levels and extreme global warming. They lived in forests and they were also arboreal animals.
- Pantheras evolved in Africa between 800,0
Evolution of Lions
By Ashyah S. and Raquel Z.