Boys Come From Jupiter
Because They're Stupider.
Girls Come From Mars
Because They're
Super Stars.
The Difference Between
Boys and Girls Brains
- The corpus callosum is the connecting bundle of tissues between the hemispheres of the brain.
- A girl's corpus callosum, is on average larger than a boy's.
- By adolescence, a girl's corpus callosum can be up to 25% larger than a boy's.
- Due to girl's having a larger corpus callosum, it means that a females brain has more "cross talk" between the two hemispheres.
So as you can see, as far as the old school yard song goes, boys really aren't from Jupiter because they're stupider. And girls really aren't from Mars because they're super stars. It's simply all a difference of how our brains develop and function!
• The temporal lobe's main function is based around hearing and works by understands and interprets language.
- Girls in general, have stronger neural connectors in their temporal lobes than boys have.
- These connectors lead to more detailed memory storage, better listening skills, and better discrimination among the various tones of voice.
- The hippocampus (another memory storage area in the brain found deep in the temporal lobe) is larger in girls than in boys, increasing girls' learning advantage, especially in the language arts.
- The prefrontal cortex is responsible for regulating a decision making as well as focusing a person's thoughts to help them concentrate and learn.
- Girls' prefrontal cortex is generally more active than boys' and develops at earlier ages.
- For this reason, girls tend to make fewer impulsive decisions than boys do.
- Girls have more serotonin in the bloodstream and the brain, which makes them biochemically less impulsive.
- Boys not only have less serotonin than girls have, but they also have less oxytocin, the primary human bonding chemical.
- This makes it more likely that they will be physically impulsive and less likely that they will neurally combat their natural impulsiveness to sit still and emphatically chat with a friend
•Girls generally use more cortical areas of their brains for verbal and emotive functioning.
- Boys tend to use more cortical areas of the brain for spatial and mechanical functioning.
- On average, males use half the brain space that females use for verbal-emotive functioning.
- Most boys, although not all of them, will experience words and feelings differently than girls do
•The male brain is set to renew, recharge, and reorient itself by entering what neurologists call a rest state.
- An example of this is the the boy in the back of the classroom whose eyes are drifting toward sleep.
- It is predominantly boys who drift off without completing assignments, who stop taking notes and fall asleep during a lecture, or who tap pencils or fidget in hopes of keeping themselves awake and learning.
- Girls tend to recharge and reorient neural focus without rest states.
- A girl can be bored with a lesson, but she will nonetheless keep her eyes open, take notes, and perform relatively well.
- This is especially true when the teacher uses more words to teach a lesson instead of being spatial and diagrammatic.