The Phylum Zoomastigina:
- Consists of the zooflagellates, protozoans that propel themselves by the use of flagella.
- Most of these organisms are unicellular.
Phylum Zoomastigina: The Zooflagellates
- Most live in ponds and lakes.
- Others live inside other organisms.
African sleeping sickness
- African sleeping disease, or trypanosomiasis.
- Involves an insect vector.
- Passed from person to person by the tsetse fly, found only in Africa.
- The Trypanosoma divides in the insect's intestine and then migrates to the salvary glands
- When the fly bites, the protozoan may enter the victim's bloodstream.
- They feed on smaller organisms by phagocytosis or absorbing nutrients from decaying organic matter through their cell membranes.
- They can absorb nutrients from organisms they live inside of.
- Most reproduce asexually by binary fission (When nuclear material is copied and the parent cell divides into 2 equal cells).
- Some do have a sexual life cycle also.