Intro to Iran:
- during 2nd millenium B.C. Indo European named where they setttled Iran.
- "Iran" comes from "Ayrana Vaejo" = " the origin of the Aryans"
- Aryans were decendants of Medes and Persians who found the first Iranian nation in the 17th century B.C. which was then destroyed by Cyrus the Great
- While he held power to Iran it was named under its Greek name "Persia" until 1935 where Reza Shah (father of the last Shah of Iran)
- Iran was wealthy and was subject to foreign domination
Started in 1979 when the Shah (Mohammad Reza Shah) started ruling in Iran. He used secret polices to take control of the people. Thenstarted to enforce strict rules.
- Segregated schools (Boys & girls were not to be together in school)
- No more bilingual schools
- girls were to wear veils
- guys were to grow there beards
- Etc..
But then things got worse and strcter on women. They were not allowed to leave their home unless they had a veil and their hair cannot be visible.
Things start getting worse:
forbids fun like music, parties, and even the way people dress MORE VIOLENCE!
Marji's Parents!
Marji's parent's
Eby and Taji: get affected from the Iranian Revolution
Marji's Parents in the Beginning of Graphic Novel
The Water Cell
- started teaching Marji about the Shah
- ignored what schoolbooks said
- told her he was not chosen by God
Marji's mom was worried Eby was dead
Eby is a photographer
Beause social classes matter..
Marj's parents could not allow there maid to have any affairs with their neighbor
- Slapped the maid for taking her to demonstration!
The Party
Marji's mother was concerned about Marji being affected.
- stopped her from attacking Ramin for "killing millions"
- Explained to Marji, Ramin isnt to fault of that his father does
Their Famiy
- after uncle Siamk came back Eby cried
- were shocked how he was treated becase he was a communist
- because things got worse the Satrapi family realizd they must travel
- At this point, Iran was bombed and Eby was worried for Taji, he ran straight home.
- the Satrapi family were hoping for the best, they were overwhelmed.
- Eby listened out for the news and found out people they knew died, many people were dying.
- it was sad
- Marji's mom breaks the fight in grocery store. (people are going chaotic from emptiness and embargo on oil exportation)
- oil isn't distributed easily
- they went on with their lives and tried to enjoy it
- alost got caught with alcohol
- they have to fear their neighbors too.
- Marji's parents were worried of how blunt Marji was
- after Marji's uncle died they decided to take a trip because borders were reopen
- they illegally brought Marji's present
At this point...
things were terrible,
friends were dying and Marji was scarred and sad.
So Marji's parents did whats best for their daughter and sent her away. Most impactful thing for them.
(page 35, Satrapi)
The Veil
The Bicycle
(Page 10, Satrapi)
Marji's dad
- well-educated
- middle-class
- very supportive of her daughter being a prophet
Marji's mom
- was part of demostrations
- had to even change her appearance
- against the veil
- she was pretty much a rebel
- At this point they start to worry
- Demonstrations start getting worse and more violent
- get concerned because lil marji wants to go to demonstrations
(Panel 1, page 52)
The F-14s
The Wine
The ending
The Jewels
(Page 142, Satrapi)
The Passport/ Kim Wilde
The Iranian Revolution
also called the Islamic Revolution
The Iranian Revolution
How It Affect Marji's Parents In Persepolis
In the Twentieth Century:
- Reza Shah wanted to "westernize" the country
- While they hold a new source of wealth: Oil
- During WWII: Neutral, Sent to exile, son Mohammed Shah took over
- 1951: Mohammed Mossadeq, prime minister, nationalized oil but Great Britain put an embargo on exports
- he was overthrowned then came back the Shah
- so now Iran is known for it's fundmanetalism, fanticism and terrorism
By: Glenda Heredia
(page 4, Satrapi)
(page 95, Satrapi)
As the Iranian Revolution & as the novel progresses
In the beginning...
Things were not as strict just like in the graphic novel.
(page 1, Satrapi)
(page 76 , Satrapi)