Chordate Family Tree
By: Andrea Luna & Matt Contreras
Jawless Fish
- Dog
- Exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen
- blood is pumped throughout the dog's body
- Ostriches
- they have 9 sacs that helps intake pure oxygen
- they breathe through their mouth and nose
- Warm blooded animal that can regulate its own body temperature
- Frog
- They have moist skin for adsorbing oxygen
- they have a three-chambered heart
- They have a exoskeleton
Bony fish
- Catfish
- They have no scales
- usually have an adipose fin and spine-like rays present at the front of the dorsal and pectoral fins
- they breathe through their skin
Cartilaginous Fish
Carcharhinus leucas
- Bull Shark
- have a two-chambered heart
- have no bones, only cartilage
- live in both fresh and salt water
- Petromyzon marinus
- they look like eels
- flexible skeleton
- teeth are weakly developed in adults
- in juveniles they have no teeth
- the gill openings consist of seven circular hole
- Turtles
- its respiratory system is modified to accommodate peculiar morphological features
- they have a three chambered heart
- they have a endoskeleton and exoskeleton
- vertebrate
- suspension feeders
- mucus covered gill slits
- Have a closed circulatory system. There is no heart, blood cells, or hemoglobin
- Have no true skeleton and are supported by the hollow nerve cord running down their back
- Have no respiratory system and breathe thought their skin