V. Customer Services
FedEx :
- Q&A ("Package, Envelope, Express Freight",
"Freight Shipments",
"Expedited/Extra-Care Handling" and
" Air/Ocean Freight Forwarding"
- Top Question
- Call the customer service
- Create/Cancel Shipment
- Return
- Shipment history
VI. Conclusion
- Very Similar
- Differences in Supply Chain
- UPS : Ground
- FedEx : Air
- UPS' customer service is weaker
- Old Company vs. New Company
I. Introduction
II. Two Different Strategies
III. Distribution Channels
IV. Transportation
V. Customer Services
VI. Conclusion
UPS stores vs FedEx offices
UPS Stores :
- Small in size
- Managed by franchisees
- Attract small business clientele
- Focused on small package
FedEx Offices :
- Large spaces
- Corporate Owned
- More sophisticated
- Attract retail and corporate
Tracking System Websites
- Greyish Colour Tone
- User-friendly
FedEx :
- White/Purple beautifully
designed web page
- User-friendly
- Sophisticated
(basic/advanced functions)
FedEx :
- Founded : 1973
- Headquarters : Memphis, USA
- Workforce : 325 000 Employees
- Turnover : 42 billion $
- Profits : Around 2 billion $
- Founded : 1907
- Headquarters : Atlanta, USA
- Workforce : 435 000 Employees
- Turnover : 53 billion $
- Profits : Around 3 billion $
II. FedEx's Strategy vs UPS' Strategy
Many common points but two different strategies
FedEx focuses on time-sensitive express delivery
UPS focuses on small packages delivery
E-Commerce Effect
What about their fleet ?
Strengths and Weaknesses
- More and more people order online and pay attention
to the quality of delivery services
- E-commerce concern essentialy small packages
More beneficial to UPS
Air Fleet : 237 aircrafts
Main Air Hubs : Louisville, Cologne and Shangai
Ground Fleet : 99 892 package cars, vans, including
5461 alternative-fuel vehicles
Lack of regional and local presence for FedEx Ground service
FedEx :
Air fleet : 638 aircrafts
Main Air Hubs : Memphis, Paris and Guangzhou
Ground fleet : Around 49 000 vehicles, including
1900 hybrid or fuel-efficient vehicles
IV. Transportation
Packages operations
FedEx :
- Daily volume of 10.5
- Daily volume of tracking
requests around 50
- Shipped and delivered
around 4.6 Billion packages
and documents in 2014
- Daily volume of 18 million
- Daily Volume of tracking
requests around 59
FedEx's Tracking system
UPS' Tracking system
III. Distribution Channels
FedEx's Traditionnal Distribution
UPS' Distribution Channel
FedEx's International Direct Distribution
Two different operations structures
- Single Network
- Very efficient
- Reliable
FedEx :
- Ground, freight and express
services operate
FedEx vs UPS