What does this mean?
Leaders who inspire a shared vision use their actions to persuade their substituents into uniting and striving for a common goal.
How does my goal become ours?
One goal
Leaders must often:
- invoke excitement for a given task
- show interest and incentive for the completion of that task
- allow time for acclimation
- build relationships with substituents and work to understand their goals
- allow substituents to lead
What happens when visions are shared?
Shared visions:
- attract more people
- sustain attraction and increase levels of motivation
- withstand the pressure of challenges
-Leaders must be able to portray the vision clearly using symbolic language and nonverbal expressiveness
Expressing the Vision
a. allowing others to see how their dreams align with the vision helps constituents visualize an uplifting future and invest their energy in participation
facing the future...
-Make your vision genuine!
Student leaders must be self motivated!
"Research shows that people who are self-motivated keep working toward a result even if there's no reward for them personally." (pg. 54)
-Leaders must paint an inclusive picture that incorporates shared aspirations and invokes a sense of belonging and common commitment
Game Time
-Leaders must not only be passionate about today's goals, but possess a vision for future goals
Enlisting Others
(Your visions must have meaning to your substituents)
Positivity breeds possibility!
Envision the Future
-Student leaders are possibility thinkers that must be able to turn imaginations and concepts into clear roadmaps with common intersections
-You must first understand your beliefs before you can convey your vision
-Clarity provides for efficiency and longevity; your vision gets clearer as you immerse yourself in it
-Student leaders understand that making a difference and working toward a common good provokes greater commitment to the purpose
(Finding a common purpose can only be achieved through dialogue)