IV: organic/non-organic strawberries+labels
DV: results in taste preferences
Control group: Received strawberries without label
Between-groups design
- Participants: 60 students from FIC
- Average age: 19.5 years old
- Countries of origin: China, Japan, Kazakhstan, India, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Russia, Nigeria, Ukraine, Tanzania, Korea, Kenya, Bangladeshi.
Materials used for experiment:
- Organic (Driscoll’s) and non-organic (Dole) strawberries
- Labels
- Questionnaires
Results Based On Age
Addressing the Hypothesis
Hypothesis: If participants were given organic and non-organic strawberries, they will be more likely to choose the organic strawberries because of the quality and brand as well the perception that organic products are more healthy.
- Further research on cultural preference.
- Students had a limited amount of time.
- Didn't do enough experiments.
- Didn't have enough subjects.
On average:
- Ages 17-18 prefer organic to non-organic
- Ages 19-20 prefer organic to non-organic
- Ages 21-22 prefer non-organic to organic
And on average all ages prefer:
- Organic when correctly labeled
- Non-organic when mislabeled
- Organic if there is no label
Results Compared To Other Studies
General Results(Continued)
Hotel Experiment
Brand Name Influence on Brand Perception
study 1
study 5
McDonalds Experiment
- Subjects: 63 preschoolers.
- Same burger with different wrappers: McDonalds and an unfamiliar brand.
- Results: 80 percent of children chose McDonalds.
Did the Labels Affect Your Choice?
65% of the students who said “NO” indicated that:
- They made their decision based on the color of the strawberries.
- They made their decision based on taste .
35% of the students who said “YES” indicated that:
- They made their decision based on the label.
- They made their decision based on taste.
- Even though most subjects said that they were not affected by the label, the results show otherwise.
Based on how labeling can effect a person's opinion.
Results Based On Gender
Conducted experiment with two types of strawberries:
- Organic strawberries
- Non-organic strawberries
General Results
Mislabeled Strawberries
- Brand Name Influence on Brand Perception: Wänke, M., Herrmann, A. and Schaffner, D. (2007), Brand name influence on brand perception. Psychol. Mark., 24: 1–24. doi: 10.1002/mar.20150
- Do food labels affect confectionery purchases and consumption? (1994). Candy Industry (this goes in italics), 159(5),M2
- Liu, Y. (2014). How labeling changes consumers' taste perceptions: A field experiment on organic and local apples (Order No. 1562399). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1564761553). Retrieved from
- Porter, D. V., Earl, R. O., & Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the Nutrition Components of Food Labeling. (1990). Nutrition labeling: Issues and directions for the 1990s. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press.
- Video:
According to the results:
1. People prefer organic strawberries to non-organic strawberries when they have the correct label.
2. People prefer non-organic strawberries to organic strawberries if mislabeled.
3. People prefer organic strawberries to non-organic strawberries if there is no label.
According to the results:
1. Males generally prefer non-organic strawberries to organic strawberries.
2. Females generally prefer organic strawberries to non-organic strawberries.
3. Both males and females prefer organic when the strawberries are correctly labeled.
4. Both males and females prefer non-organic when the strawberries are mislabeled.
5. Both males and females prefer organic strawberries when there is no label.
Introduction (Continued)
- Many studies show that branding and labeling affects our food preference.
- We would like to show how people are affected by health branding by feeding them organic and non-organic strawberries and asking their preference.
Main point: To see if people react more favorably to healthier alternatives when reading the labels.
1. People like food.
2. It would be interesting to know how labeling may change a person’s thought.
Hypothesis: If participants were given organic and non-organic strawberries, they will be more likely to choose the organic strawberries because of the quality and brand as well the perception that organic products are more healthy.
The Strawberry Experiment
By: Alina A., Maxine M., Alina Z., and Narcisse O.