presents to:
Other than a digital-tool set you don’t actually use BIM, it is way of working, it’s what you do: information modeling and information management in a team environment.
The rich 3D experience; digital simulations; rehearsals of all stages of the design, build and operate process; and the information within the models facilitate well informed decision making resulting in better business outcomes, clarity, improved communication, removing risk and ultimately better efficiency.
Project Delivery and Better Information
The BIM Process Map
Leveraging the Information Model
You can do a lot more with BIM than you could with traditional projects
connecting people with information
Who are you working with?
A Consultant or Contractor with Appropriate Skills and Portfolio:
- Not judged solely on cost and quality of submission
- BIM Experience - Capability and Capacity
- Suitable Maturity Level for proposed projects
- Technological Delivery - IT Assessment
- Appropriate Team Members
- Collaborative Project Delivery
- The client is the start and the end of the information requirement
- The BIM process is nothing new
- Utilising BIM Standards helps to define objectives
- Important that you train or employ in house BIM specialists.
- Engage with pre-project Consultant expertise to improve specialist knowledge
- Gain team understanding of the requirements and responsibilities
- Demystify BIM terms relating to your needs and meaning behind the words and acronyms.
- Review in house standards, methods and procedures and keep it simple.
BIM(M) is a managed approach to the collection and exploitation of information across a project.
At its heart is a computer-generated model containing all graphical and tabular information about the design, construction and operation of the asset.
- Strategy Paper for the Government Construction Client Group
From the BIM Industry Working Group – March 2011
MARCH 2011
Strategy Paper for the Government Construction Client Group From the BIM Industry Working Group
"Government advised to mandate BIM on all central projects in excess of £50m."
JULY 2012
A Building Information Model is a rich information model, consisting of potentially multiple data sources, elements of which can be shared across all stakeholders and be maintained across the life of a building from inception to recycling (cradle to cradle).
The information model can include contract and specification properties, personnel, programming, quantities, cost, spaces and geometry.
A report for the Government Construction Client Group. One Year On Report and Action Plan Update
“2.32 Government will require fully collaborative BIM level 2 (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic) as a minimum by 2016.”
Standard and Resources
Evolving the brief
start with the outline
build the requirements
Additional guidance from
The Pillars of BIM Level 2
getting the balance right
Uniclass 2015
BS 8536
BIM Protocol
NBS Toolkit
nothing, everything, or something in between
- Level 0 - Unmanaged CAD, 2D Drawing and simple data exchange (email)
- Level 1 - Managed CAD, 2D and 3D utilising collaboration software. Data Management tools with limited integration.
- Level 2 - Managed 3D environment including BIM tools and group file collaboration. 4D and 5D modeling
- Level 3 - Fully integrated and enabled 'cloud or web' services compliant with IFC/IFD standards managed on a collaboration server. iBIM and Life cycle modeling for projects.
BS 1192-4
PAS 1192-3
PAS 1192-2
PAS 1192-5
BS 1192:2007
IN DEVELOPMENT - ISO 19650 - BIM International Standard
Inputs and Outputs - What do you do with information?
Objectives vary
- Virtual Prototype - 3D model
- 3D Visualisation Imagery
- Data Interrogation and extraction
- Facilities Management Information
- Asset Management Information
- Life Cycle Analysis
- COBie
Facilities Management (BIFM) 6D Stage
- Existing Site/Project Information
- Client Input - Employers Information Requirements (EIR)
- BIM Execution Plan (BEP) - Response to EIR
- Briefing Documentation - ER's
- Survey Information
- Point Cloud Surveying
- Consultation Advice
- Funding Approval
define what you want
and 6D & 7D?
real or virtual = both need a brief
What is 3D,4D & 5D BIM Modelling?
Design Brief
BIM Brief
- Client Responsibilities:
- In House BIM Experience
- Storage of model and database information
- Model output and interrogation
- COBie Database
- Information Recycle for Refurbishment
Emlployers Information Requirements - EIR's
Technologies - BIM integrated software and hardware
3D Printed models
Point cloud surveying and modelling
- Asset and Facilities Management
- Whole Life Modeling
- Planned Maintenance Scheduling
- Building Life Cost
- Carbon Cost
Augmented reality
4D BIM – Planning in action
Technologies - 3D BIM integrated software and hardware
5D BIM – Cost and Quantity Extraction
- BIM model linked to construction planning software
- Direct take off from construction model
- Quantity analysis by component type with graphical representation
- Cost scheduling attached to model information
Frankham BIM Platform Autodesk Revit
MacLeamy Project Information Curve
Autodesk Revit - BIM software Platform (Multi discipline)
- BIM model linked to construction planning software
- Virtual ‘Tool Box’ talks on site using the 4D BIM model to explain:
- Short term work planning
- Health and safety risks
- Clash detection temporary elements and plant
What are the benefits of using BIM?
Autodesk Revit
- Reduction in scope for contract growth
- Improved co-ordination between disciplines
- Pre construction clash detection and review
- Improved design processes to reduce on design iteration
- Streamlined drawing processes
- Enhanced level of information eliminating design ambiguity
- Reduction in Abortive work and data re-entry
- Superior auditing tools and error checking interfaces
- Co-ordinated 3D model and information
Revit Architecture
Revit Structure
Revit MEP
Benefits to 4D & 5D Modelling Information
Construction Operations Building Information Exchange
Peripheral BIM Management & Interrogation Tools for 3D, 4D and 5D Modeling
- Focus on value adding: not removal
- Visual record of measurement/programme
- Data Collaboration
- Risk reduction
- Early & improved value engineering
- Schedule simulation
- Faster Quantity Take-offs
- API - Construction rather than Design Object Quantities
- More detailed & accurate cost estimates
- Reuse cost data on future projects
- Clarity of design
What is COBie?
Essentially COBie is a 2D database representation of the model and associated information which can be read in a spreadsheet format within Microsoft Excel or similar
COBie contains a vast array of information including, but not limited to, zones, spaces, the relationship between them and asset information for the operation and maintenance of a project.
Specifying your requirements within your EIR can help you gain the information you need.