3) What part of the motor spins the blade in the blender?
A) Armature
B) Battery
C) Axle
D) All of the Above
4) Why was the first lender created?
A) To make malts and shakes
B) To make smoothies
C) To blend coffee grounds
D)To help hospital patients digest food
5) When did the creator construct the first, actual blender?
A) 1922
B) 1934
Blending Electromagnetism
How is Electromagnetism used in a blender
- The electromagnet can be an iron rod with a wire wrapped around the core, which is connected to a battery.
- That process causes the combination to be an electromagnet.
What was the Purpose of the Blender?
1) How many sets of electromagnets are inside a basic motor?
2) Who created the first functional blender?
A) Benjamin A. Franklin
B) Stephen J. Poplawski
C) James C. Safrew
D) Lewis R. Stanford
- The reason the blender was first invented was to make malts and milkshakes, but is also now used to mix fruits and vegetables.
What is a Blender's energy source
How does the motor
in a blender work?
- The blender is controlled by an electric motor.
- The motor is hooked up to a battery that is powered by a plug in the wall.
Definition of the following vocab terms.
- The electromagnet or armature is being rotated due to magnetism corresponding with the north and south poles.
- The commutator helps the armature turn fully, without it the electromagnet would stop halfway between the magnets.
- An axle is connected to the armature, which is what spins the blade.
Describe the history of a blender
include when,where and who created
the invention
Armature- A Coil or loop of wire wrapped around pole of a magnet.
Solonoid- An iron core wrapped
with coils of wire.
- The first electric blender was made in 1922 at the Stevens Electric Company by Stephen J. Poplawski.
- It took Poplawski three years to make the blender from when he started developing electric drink mixers in 1919 and finally created the blender in 1922.