School shared > Computing - ICT > KS4 - Computing GCSE (A-G) >A451 > Lesson 1
Success Criteria
- Complete the right hand column of your 'what do I already know' starter worksheet.
- Has your knowledge improved?
Your revision guide will:
- Explain the different types of database - Advantages and disadvantages
- Define what an electronic database is
- Describe what we mean when we say 'persistent' when talking about databases
- Give examples of systems that use databases
- Define the different features of a database
- Explain why we use data handling software - what does it allow us to do?
Main Task
Starter - What do I already know?
You will produce a revision guide using a software application of your choice.
This topic is likely to feature on your exam
Data handling software must enable us to...
C reate
R etrieve (Interrogate)
U pdate
D elete
What is 'data handling software'?
- T0 understand what a database is
- To explain the use of data handling software
- To create a revision guide on database concepts
What is a database?
what can a database be used for?
( You have 30 seconds to think about this)
A database is a:
Persistent store of organised data.
What does this mean?
Databases - Lesson 1
Complete the worksheet by filling in the blanks.
Let's go through the answers
What is a database?