Jaguar vs. Capybara
Impact on others
- Female and male jaguars will mate every year which takes 100 days to complete.
- Capybaras mate throughout the year but mostly before the rainy season.Capybaras mate when they are 15 months old or older.
Stages Of Life
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- Jaguars are first cubs but teenagers are technically still called cubs then it goes to an adult.
- Capybaras are technically called pups and then it goes on to an adult.
liklihood of extinction
The Reason
Life Spans
- More than 15000 jaguars were killed each year for their beautiful fur and 15000 jaguars are alive today
- Capybaras will soon be extincted because jaguars , pumas , eagles , caimons and anacondas eat them and people kill them for meat and their head.
- Jaguars can reach up to 6 feet in length from their tip of their nose to the tip of their tail.Jaguars are usually 120 pounds but max 300 pounds.
- Capybaras can grow up to 4 feet long and 2 feet tall.
The reason Rebecca and Mariel chose the jaguar and the capybara is because Mariel loves jaguars and Rebecca loves capybaras
- A Jaguar can live up to 11-12 years old.
- A capybara life span can be 8 -10 years old but they live less than 4 years in the wild.
Food / predators
- Jaguars walk around on the forest floor and rest on the understory.
- Capybaras can be found on the forest floor because of their big weight.
- Jaguars are carnivores and eat capybaras , tapir , squirrels and even snails.
- Capybaras are herbivores and eat 6-3 LB of grass and eat their poop which helps their stomach to break down the fiber from the grass .During dry season capybaras will eat melons.