Rome Infographic
Augustus Caesar & Pax Romana
Foundation of rome
- Economic-Prosperity & Stability
- Social-Increased emphasis on family
- Political-Developed a uniform role of law
Roman Leaders
Romulus & Remus
Twins fathered by Mars that were abandoned in a river and raised by a she-wolf. The twins grew up and fought over the city they created, Romulus won and the place became known as Rome.
- He instituted Civil Service, Rule of Law, Common coinage
- Secured travel
- Trade through-out the empire
Seizure of power
- He was a part of the Trimunative
- Relationship with Cleopatra
Most was adopted from the Greeks and like the Greeks they were Polytheistic.
Julius caesar
The real reason Rome was founded was because of
- Strategic location
- Fertile soil
- Absolute ruler of Rome
- Expanded senate
- Created jobs for the poor
- Raised pay for soldiers
- Center of italian peninsula
- Protection from Alps
- Mediterranean Sea = Trade
Caused Plebians to become
sad and upset; which led
to a rebellion.
- The Republic to fall
- End of Democracy
- Rise of Octavian/Augustus
influences on Rome (natives before romans) & establishment
Characteristics of the republic
Social structure
- Established 50 colonies that the Romans took
- ^ caused for easier transfer of to Roman culture =Greco-Roman culture
Initial Cause of Punic Wars
- Location is a crossroads for Greek & Etruscan culture
Punic wars & Decline of roman republic
Democracy led by 2 Consuls
- Ruled for a year
- Elected from Senators
- 1 Patrician & 1 Plebian
Causes of The Decline of Roman Republic
- Rome was finally established in 509 BCE.
- They overthrew an abusive King & created the Republic
Poor could no longer afford basic items
Non-citizens were aliens, women & slaves
300 Senators
- Voted on laws
- Comprised of Patricians
Men were citizens and rights were in the 12 tables
Final Outcome for Rome after Punic Wars
Because of the spread slavery in the agriculture system
10 Tribunes
- Elected by the Plebians
- Protected the Plebian's rights
- Brought Plebian's complaints to Senate
- Rome dominated Mediterranean Sea for 100 years
- Diffusion of Roman culture
- Expanded Wealth and Trade
12 Tables
- Roman law code
- Topics from treatment of slaves to marriage
- A single ruler
- Ruled in times of crisis
- Gave power back to Republic after crisis
- Some kept the power instead