Chamorro Language Revitalization
How Hunting/Fishing Helps With Language?
How Hunting/Fishing Helps With Chamorro Language.
Size of Animals and Names Fish (Guihan)
palakse' /Cheilinus spp. /wrasses,
- Trainer teaches trainee how to speak the language by explain what each animal is by type and size.
- It is also an important way of learning language because not only do you have to learn how to speak it but also how to explain to elders what you caught/ saw.
- Most hunters from my family explained hunting/fishing trips by stories because of lack of technology in the 80's-90's, therfore they only explained it in Chamorro.
Animal Sizes and Names Deer(Binadu)
laggua /Scaridae/ parrotfishes, >
Bea ( Baby Deer)
Adult Deer
Torro(Male) Bakka (Female)
Story Telling and Tradition
tångison Cheilinus undulatus Napoleon wrasse
- Story telling is acinet and traditonal way that chamoro people passed down knowledge and family traditions and heritage.
- Growing up in my family story telling was a way of training/preparing you before you went hunting /fishing.
- It also helped us on knowing what to do and not to do
- It aslo taught us what size animal was a good size to catch and what animal was to young and not ready to harvest.