First Nations Reserves in Ontario
Seven Generations Education Institute. Anishinaabe Aki (Treaty #3 Territory. website:
Nelson History textbook.
Indigenous Foundations. website:
Recording: Doreen at Wabauskang First Nation. Recorded on April 9, 2018.
Wawatay News, 12/01/2015 - Rick Garrick. Wabigoon settles century-old flood dispute. website:
Recent Land Claim
- A city near Wabigoon Lake made a dam in 1897 without consulting with the First Nations people
- The dam flooded 20% of their reserve land including there ancient burial grounds.
- In 2012, the government paid $3M and acknowledged the harm they did to the community
- With the money the community built a skating rink a skate park and a new council office
What is it like to live on reserve?
Doreen - Wabauskang First Nation
What are in Treaty agreements?
- The Treaty agreements set aside reserved lands in exchange for aboriginal titles, schools and teachers on the reserves, agricultural implements,
- For on reserve First Nations the federal government is responsible for funding health services education
What is the history of reserves?
- An agreement with the British to share the land between Indigenous and the newcomers
- The Indigenous peoples intended to share the land not just give it away
What are First Nations reserves?
- Lands reserved for First Nations peoples to live, hunt, and collect the natural resources
- Almost half of Registered Indian population in Ontario lives on reserves and settlements
- There are 126 bands in OntarioThere are over 207 First Nations reserves and settlements in Ontario