Ceramic brake rotors are the best choice of rotor because:
- Can be produced by casting - Main rotor production method
- High lifespan – Requires less replacement in the future
- Quiet – Less noise pollution
- Reduce heat build up – High heat dissipation rate
Material Screening Process & Ranking
From the criteria we chose, we are able to narrow down to three best candidates:
- Ceramic
- Carbon-carbon composites
- Cast Iron
Weight Factors
Comparison Of Materials
Material Selection Properties
Material Selection Factors
- High coefficient of friction
- Low cost
- Long lifespan
- High thermal dissipation rate
- Quiet
- Can be manufactured through casting
- Transmit braking power from the caliper to the rim.
- Have friction to transmit braking power
- Low noise level
- Low life cycle cost
- Low pollution rates
- Low energy consumption
- Provide safety and reliability
Brake Rotor Material Selection
Introduction to Brake Rotor
By: Wei Jun Lim
Adam Ee
Tengsong Ng
Slotted Brake Rotors
- Used in high performance car drivers
- Advantages
- Uses slot carved into the flat metal surface to remove gas build up, heat and water from the surface of rotors.
- Can withstand higher stress than drilled design
- Disadvantages
- Wear break pads faster
Brake rotors need to be replaced periodically. The lifespan of a brake rotor depends on its material and design.
Two types of rotor design:
- Slotted Brake Rotor
- Drilled Brake Rotor
Drilled Brake Rotor
- Used in standard performance automobiles
- Advantages
- Heat will not build up
- Water will be removed quickly
- Gas will not build up between pads and rotors
- Disadvantage
- Holes tend to weaken the rotors that could cause crack after repeated stressful driving