Gender Equality in Afghanistan
Marriage in Afghanistan
- The average of Afghan widows is 35 and 94% of them are illiterate.
- 9 out of 10 women are illiterate in Afghanistan
- Married girls cannot continue their education once they are married which leads to most women in Afghanistan being illiterate.
Women's Rights activist ads
- More than 50% women are engaged or married by the age of 10 and 60% are married by 16.
- Girls in Afghanistan who have more than five children 1 out of 10 children die before their 5th birthday.
- Women activist say that up to 80% percent of marriages are either forced or arranged.
- Most girls marry far older men ( up to 60 years old. They don’t usually meet their husband till their wedding day.
- Many have kids while they are still young teenagers(14 year olds or younger who are pregnant are in danger of health risks or death)
- Married girls cannot continue their education once they are married which leads to most women in Afghanistan being illiterate.
Women's rights
- More than 1,650 cases of violence against women with AIHRC
- More than 550 women reported server beatings
- 1 in every 3 Afghanistan women experience physical and physiologic sexual harassment and violence
Fun Facts
- Life expectancy is 44 one of the lowest in the world
- It is not uncommon for young wives to be admitted to a hospital shortly after they are married.
- Wives also have a low status in the family and are more likely to be abused by their husbands.
- Women’s Rights was respected and followed before the fall of the Taliban in 2001. Now Today
- Women’s Rights are not respected.
- About 120 reports on suicide either burning themselves or overdosing on painkillers ect.
The Taliban
- During the rule of the Taliban (1996-2001) women were treated worse than during any other leadership in the history of Afghanistan
- Since the fall of the Taliban in late 2001 women have gained some political rights.
“A woman is human.
She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man.
Likewise, she is never less.
Equality is a given.
A woman is human.”
― Vera Nazarian,