Recycling the Wires
Product use for 8-10 years
- Wires are removed and kept separate from the rest
- When enough is gathered, it is sent to a wire chopper to recover the copper and to a copper mill to make new wires
- Plastic cases are recycled by companies that specialize in plastics and used to make new plastic items
into Laptop
Oil into plastic films
- Ethylene and propylene, crude oil, contains the hydrocarbons that make up the monomers.
- Monomers are turned into polymer in the form of pellets or beads.
- Pellets are heated and mixed in a long chamber, forced through a small opening, and cooled with air or water.
Copper Wires
- Made from crude oil
- Oil is drilled vertical, horizontal, and slant.
- Drawing process- where rods of copper is put into a machine that makes the diameter of rods of copper to shrink and elongate the rods into what is considered to be wire.
- Annealing- after the drawing process, the wires are put into an electric furnace to bring back flexibility and recrystallize into its original structure
Recycling the Monitors
- Monitors with the cathode ray tube glass are shipped off to a lead smelter to get the lead back
- After getting the lead, the lead is shipped back to a manufacturer to make new cathode ray tubes.
Lead into Cathode Ray Tube
- Lead is mixed with potash and silica-sand
- This mixture is then heated up and blown glass
- This glass gets put into the cathode ray tube and monitors
Refining Copper
- From the mines, copper ore is taken to mills, where it is prepared for refining.
- For copper-oxide ores, the copper is usually dissolved from the ore with a sulfuric acid solution
- Usually found in ores that also contains zinc, silver, and copper
- Extracted as a co-product of these metals
- From under-ground mines
Silicon into Chips
Refining Lead
- After the silicon is in a crystal, it is sliced into wafers.
- Electrical properties will be modified through exposure to ion beams
- A multistage process is used to create an oxide layer for the required circuit features
- Copper ore is mined both underground and on the surface. Large excavations formed by surface mining are called open-pit mines.
- Concentrating mill- to remove waste rock from the lead
- Floatation- at the end of this process, lead and other materials would be separated out from the rock
- Sinter plant- the lead concentration is turned into a brittle material called sinter
- Smelted in a blast furnace and base bullion comes out as a result and has to be refined to be 99-99.999% pure.
- Mined from sand
- Sand heated to form silicon
Life Cycle of A Laptop
Silicon into usable material
- Turned into single crystals that have a regular atomic structure
- Through Czochralski Process