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Chapter 24: The West Between the Wars

I. Rise of Dictators

II. Fascism in Italy

E. The US

1. US industrial production had fallen 50%

2. 12 million people unemployed

3. FDR became president.

4. Knew that capitalism had to be reformed if it was

going to be saved

5. FDR's New Deal provided many reforms

1. Workers Progress Administration (WPA) hired 3

million people to build bridges, roads, post offices,

& airports

2. began Social Security

week, 2 week paid vacation, & a

minimum wage

D. Great Britain

1. lost many of their markets during

the war to the US & Japan

2. coal, steel, & textiles declined after

the war

3. 2 million Britons out of work

4. Labour Party lost power in 1931.

5. The Conservatives used traditional

policies of balanced budgets &

protective tariffs.

6. Keynes introduced deficit spending

Section 2: The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes

A. By 1939 only 2 European states remained

democratic- France & Great Britain

B. IT, GER, USSR, & others adopted

dictatorial regimes.

C. totalitarian state- government that aims to

control the political, economic, social,

intellectual, & cultural lives of its citizens.

D. Used mass propoganda techniques &

high-speed modern communication

E. Rejected the idea of limited government

power & guaranteed individual freedoms.

F. Replaced individual freedoms w/the

collective will

A. Benito Mussolini established the first European fascist

movement in Italy in the 1920's.

B. started as a socialist & founded the League of Combat

C. Fascism glorifies the state above the individual by

emphasizing the need for strong central government.

D. fascism- glorifies the state above the individual by

emphasizing the need for strong central government led by

a dictatorial ruler

E. fascist control the government, & any opposition is


F. Why?

1. rising inflation

2. workers went on strike

3. feared a Communist takeover

G. Mussolini formed the squadristi (Blackshirts)

H. Blackshirts used violence to break strikes

I. Mass Culture: Radio and Movies

Chapter 23, Section 3: Russian Revolution

A. Radio and movies were used for political purposes

B. Hitler used the radio to play his speeches & encouraged

manufacturers to make inexpensive radios that could be

bought on an installment plan

C. A Triumph of Will was a 1934 documentary about a

Nuremberg Party rally; conveyed to viewers the power of

National Socialism

D. The 8-hour work day provided opportunities for free time.

E. Nazis even controlled leisure time with concerts, operas,

films, guided tours, & sporting events

B. Germany

1. the German democratic state became

known as Weimar Republic.

2. Paul von Hindeberg became the


3. had to deal with runaway inflation

4. depression gave rise to extremism

C. France

1. did not feel the effects of the depression

until 1932

2. combination of Communists, Socialists, &

Radicals formed the Popular Front


3. Popular Front started "the French New


a. gave workers unions, 40-hour work

7. Duma met even though Nicholas II

dissolved it.

8. Duma set up the provisional

government led Alexander Kerensky

9. urged the czar to step down, & he did

on March 15th

10. Kerensky decided to stay in WWI

I. As Mussolini's movement grew, he

appealed to nationalism

J. Victor Emmanuel III, king of Italy gave

in and made Mussolini prime minister.

K. new laws gave the government the

right to suspend any publications that

criticized the government, Catholic

Church, monarchy, or state

L. established a secret police

M. established youth groups that

participated in military activities &


N. Mussolini never had total control like in


2. government started rationing

bread after inflation rose

3. March 8, 1917 10,000 women

marched through the streets

4. They were joined by other


5. Nicholas II ordered his troops to

break up the strike

6. soldiers refused & some joined the


to violent revolution

C. Lenin and his associates shipped in a sealed train

to Russia.

D. Lenin's slogans were "Peace, land, & bread"

"Worker Control of Production," & "All Power to

the Soviets"

E. Bolsheviks Seize Power

1. Bolsheviks controlled the majority of Moscow

& Petrograd soviets

2. membership grew from 50,000 to 240,000

3. Leon Trotsky was the head of the Petrograd


4. overthrew the provincial government

5. Lenin turned power over to the Congress of

II. Rise of the Bolsheviks

A. Bolsheviks began as a small faction led

by Vladimir Lenin

B. Bolsheviks became dedicated to violent

C. Responses to the Depression

1. 1 in 4 British workers unemployed.

2. 40% of German workers unemployed.

3. lowered wages & raised tariffs on imports;


4. increased government activity in the


5. interests in Marxist policies

6. people began to follow political leaders who

offered simple solutions in exchange for

dictatorial power.

O. Mussolini had to compromise with the Catholic


P. Gave the Catholic Church a large grant of money &

recognized the independence of the Vatican City


6. Real power passed to the Council of People's Commissars,

headed by Lenin.

F. March 3, 1918 Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk w/


G. In the treaty, Lenin gave up eastern Poland, Ukraine, Finland,

& the Baltic provinces.

II. A New Era in the Soviet Union

III. Democratic States after the War

S. Women were suppose to keep traditional roles.

T. Anti-Semitic Policies

1. introduced the Nuremberg laws

2. Nuremburg laws excluded Jews from German

citizenship, forbade mixed marriages, made to wear

a yellow star, & to carry identification cards to say

they were Jewish

3. the Kristallnacht- The "Night of the Broken Glass"

4. After the Kristallnacht Jews were barred from all

public transportation & all public building including

schools & hospitals; prevented from owning,

managing, or working in any retail store

5. deportation started

III. Civil War in Russia

A. After WWI many nations gave women the right to


B. No voting rights for women in FR, SW, or IT

A. Lenin followed a policy of war communism during

civil war.

B. Once war was over, peasants began to hoard food.

C. drought caused a great famine b/w 1920 & 1922; 5

million people died

D. Lenin's New Economic Policy

1. peasants allowed to sell their products openly

2. retail stores that employed less than 20 people

could be owned privately.

3. Heavy industry, mines, & banking remained w/


A. 1918-1921 Russian civil war broke out b/w the Communists &

other groups in Russia.

B. Other groups- White Army (Serbia), Ukranians, Georgians,

Russian Armenians, & Azerbaijanians

C. Royal family killed.

D. Communists won due to a disciplined army, a disorganized

White force, used war communism, & the presence of foreign


2. cut off from events by his wife


3. Alexandra was under the influence

of her advisor Rasputin

4. Rasputin healed her son of


D. Rasputin assassinated

E. March Revolution

1. 1917 working class women led a series

of strikes

Section 4: Cultural and Intellectual Trends

2. Gave Germany an initial $200 million


3. allowed for heavy American

investment in Europe.

F. The Treaty of Locarno guaranteed France's

new western borders w/ France &


G. The Kellogg-Briand Pact renounced war

as an instrument of national policy

police forces (secret & regular)

N. chief goal of the SS was to further the Aryan

master race

O. Economic Policies

1. used public works projects & grants to private

construction firms to put people back to work &

end the depression

2. rearmament was the key to solving the

unemployment issue.

P. Mass demonstrations & spectacles were used to

make the German people an instrument of Hitler's


Q. Hitler controlled churches, schools, & universities.

R. created organizations for adults & teachers

Background to the Revolution

4. 1922 USSR created

5. agricultural production grew to 75% of prewar


E. Rise of Stalin

1. Lenin died 1924

2. Politburo (7 member committee that had become

the leading policy-making body of the

Communist Party) had internal struggles

3. Joseph Stalin vs. Leon Trotsky; Stalin won

4. Trotsky killed in Mexico

F. 5-Year Plans

1. emphasized maximum production of capital


2. quadrupled the production of heavy machinery &

doubled oil production.

II. The Great Depression

A. def- a period of low economic activity and rising


B. Causes

1. downturns in the economies of individual


2. US stock market crash

A. Russia unprepared for WWI

1. WWI total war

2. Russia behind technologically &


3. Incompotent military leaders &


B. 2 million soldiers killed; 4-6 million


C. Nicholas II

1. autocratic ruler

3. during the 1st 2 5-yr. plans steel production

went from 4 million to 18 million tons

4. private farms eliminated through collectivization

5. Stalin said 10 million peasants died b/w 1932 &


6. People who resisted were sent to labor camps in


7. purged Russia of the Old Bolsheviks who were

put to death

8. 8 million Russians arrested & millions sent to

labor camps

9. others executed

2. Germany made 1 payment of

2.5B marks & said they could not

make anymore

3. As a result, FR occupied the Ruhr


4. Government paid their salaries

by printing more money.

5. Inflation grew; GER mark became


E. Dawes Plan

1. August 1924, an international

commission produced a new plan

for reparations

C. In 1933, Hindenburg agreed to allow Hitler to become

Chancellor and create a new government.

D. 2/3 of Reichstag passed the Enabling Act (gave the

government the power to ignore the Cons. for 4 years

while they dealt w/ the countries problems).

E. Hitler became a dictator appointed by the parliament itself.

F. The Nazis brought all institutions under their control.

G. purged Jews & democratic elements from the civil service

H. set up concentration camps set up for people opposed to

the new regime

I. all other political parties abolished

J. office of President abolished after Hindenburg's death

K. Hitler wanted to create the 3rd Reich

L. Hitler originally created the Schutzstaffeln, or the SS to be

his body guards.

M. The SS was headed by Himmler; Himmler headed up all the

III. Authoritarian States in the West

Section 3: Hitler and Nazi Germany

I. Hitler and His Views

A. authoritarian governments wanted to preserve the

existing social order

B. adopted some totalitarian ideas

C. Parliamentary systems failed in E. Europe because they

did not have a history of or strong tradition of


D. Czechoslovakia only E. European nation to remain a


E. Spain

1. Francisco Franco led a revolt against the democratic


2. A civil war broke out in Spain

3. Italy, Germany, & the Soviet Union all interfered.

4. In the end, Franco won.

I. Uneasy Peace, Uncertain Security

H. In prison, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf which is account of

his movement and its basic beliefs.

I. Mein Kampf is full of German nationalism, strong anti-

Semitism, & anticommunism all linked together by

Social Darwinism.

J. superior nations have a right to lebensraum (living


K. In prison, Hitler realized that the Nazis would have to

use legal means to obtain power.

L. expanded his party nationally; by 1932, it was the

largest party in the Reichstag

A. Hitler was born in Austria on April 20, 1889.

B. Rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.

C. Hitler believed in racism especially anti-Semitism

D. After the end of WWI, Hitler decided to stay in Germany

& enter politics.

E. In 1919, he joined the German Worker's Party.

F. By 1921, Hitler had taken control of the party and

renamed it the the National Socialist German Workers

Party (Nazi) for short.

G. Within 2 years, party membership had grown to 55,000

w/15,000 in the party militia.

H. In 1923, Hitler staged the Beer Hall Putsch; was

sentenced to prison.

A. Germans wanted to revise the terms of

the Treaty of Versailles.

B. Nations in Eastern Europe upset about

the boundaries.

C. League of Nations

1. weak

2. Wilson knew that some of the

provisions unwise, but thought the

League of Nations would work to

resolve disputes.

3. US did not join

D. French Demands

1. Allied Reparation Commission

determined that Germany owed $33B

III. The Nazi State

A. German government ruled with a decree to support President


B. More & more right-wing elites looked to Hitler for leadership.

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