Human Trafficking in South Africa
Human Trafficking in South Africa
- Women and children are lured with promises of jobs, education, or marriage
- 80% of victims are women and girls, of whom 50% are minors
- Many girls get sexually abused and harassed by both teachers and classmates, and while on their way to/from school
- The main country of destination for trafficked people
- Offers flights and shipping to Europe and Asia
- One of the highest level of rape in the world
Human Trafficking
Works Cited
- International market in the trafficking of humans
- Third most lucrative criminal activity
- Thirty two billion dollar industry worldwide
- Production of child pornography and prostitution of children
Causes of Human Trafficking
- Weak state structures, resulting from the upheaval of transitional economies
- Widespread gender discrimination that denies women their rights
- Poverty
- Lack of educational and employment opportunities
- Tourism