Create a Lesson Frame at your table.
- State the learning objective
- State how the student will demonstrate what was learned during the lesson
We will be able to identify the components of the Fundamental Five. By the end of the day, you will be able to create the framework for a Fundamental Five lesson plan.
Benefits: On task behavior increases, discipline issues decrease, and student retention increases.
What does FSGPT stand for?
What are the key components for FSGPT?
Examples of Reinforcement:
- Reward and/or acknowledgment for A's and 10 point improvements from previous exams. (don't tell other students whether it is for an A or 10 points)
- Recognize and/or reward students that are on time to class for the entire week.
What is wrong with the following statements:
1. Good job class, most of you turned in your homework this week.
2. I would like to thank the students that picked up the mess in the hallway.
3. Good job, Joe.
What are the Fundamental Five?
Create a framework for a Fundamental Five lesson plan.
The Fundamental Five
The Formula for Quality Instruction
Two Parts to a Lesson Frame
- State the learning objective
- State how the student will demonstrate what was learned during the lesson
Example: We will identify the components of an effective lesson frame. And, I will create and share a lesson frame with my table group.
The Fundamental Five
- 3 Zones: Work Area, Lecture, Power Zone
- Definition: Teaching in close proximity to 1 student, or a small group of students, or the entire classroom of students.
- At your table, identify the benefits to working in the Power Zone.
Definition: Writing for the purpose of organizing, clarifying, defending, refuting, analyzing, dissecting, connecting, and/or expanding on ideas or concepts.
- Assess the critical writing every time, but it doesn't have to be graded every time. It can be assessed by teacher observation, peer-review, self-assessment, use of a rubric, ect.
Examples of Critical Writing:
- Sentence on 3x5 card
- Bubble chart
- Paragraph
- Heading with bullet points
Our students need to write more. Check for proper capitalization and periods at the end of sentences.
Why does the Fundamental Five work?
- It improves the focus of both the students and teacher on the learning objective for every class.
- Conversations and critical writing improve the students' understanding of the subject and their recall of the facts and concepts.
- It gives teachers accurate, effective, and efficient feedback to evaluate all students' understanding.
- Helps build student self-confidence.
Fundamental 5
Academic Reinforcement and Recognition
- Improvements in achievement, not just high grades
Social and Behavioral Recognition
- A student that has difficulty turning in work, now turns in a completed assignment.
- Throwing trash from the floor away without being asked.
Necessary Components
- Frequency - after every 10 to 15 minutes of teacher talk and lasts from 30 seconds to 3 minutes
- Group Size- 2 to 4 students
- Seed question - pre-planned to guide student conversations
- Power Zone
A simple plan that a teacher can implement today that will begin to improve the quality of classroom instruction.