How is E-waste transported and what are the major parts
Electrical and electronic equipment contain different hazardous materials which are harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of carefully. While some naturally occurring substances are harmless in nature,
their use in the manufacture of electronic equipment often results in compounds which are hazardous (e.g. chromium becomes chromium VI). The following list gives a selection of the mostly found toxic substances in e-waste.
Statistic amount of E-waste
4 major countries E-waste exists
Definition of E-waste
The amount of E-waste being transported in Europe is 250,000 Tones and 1.3 million used of electrical products are shipped out of the EU every year , mostly to west Africa and Asia.
Effects of E-waste
Brain Damage
Birth Defects
Hart, liver, and Spleen Damage
Some good ways that you can recycle E-waste
Kidney damage
Definition of E-waste
Making baskets were your old computers,phones,ect can be at.
Placing big trash cans for old computers that is no good.
Any discarded electronic devices or their parts.
Products that contribute to E-waste
Cell phones
Games systems
In conclusion,E-waste is the dishing of electrons that can cause many damages to your body that cares with can make people really ill.
What laws are there to eliminate E-waste
To establishes a statewide system for recycling and/or reusing the items listed
below discarded from residences by requiring electronic manufacturers to participate in the management of discarded and unwanted electronic products.