Types of Taharah
There are 2 different types of Taharah: Spiritual Taharah and Physical Taharah.
If Najasa Touches Clothes
- Only water is used
- 3 or 7 times
Spiritual Taharah
Physical Taharah
- Removal of Khabath
- Lifting of Hadath
The removal of:
- Shirk
- Kufr
- Nifaq
- Major sins
- Minor sins
Cleaning From Dog Sylvia
- Clean 7 times
- First time with soap or dirt
- Washing the face (including mouth and nose
- Washing hands to elbows
- Wiping over head (ears as well)
- Immediacy
- Keeping obligations in order
- Al Dalk (rubbing the washed limb)
- Tap Sa3eed Tayeb
- Wipe face
- Tap again
- Wipe hands
- Wiping over with a dry pure substance
- Wiping over with a wet, pure substance
- Ghusl is an act of worship that is performed with water based taharah that lifts major hadath.
Wiping Over the Khuff/Sock
- Must be worn in state of Taharah
- Wiping only in wudu
- 24 hours for resident from the first wipe; 72 for traveler
Easy Opinion #1
Strict Opinion #3
- Anything you call a sock.
- Cannot have holes; must cover ankle.
- Only leather socks, has to be thick, cover ankle, no holes.
Case 1
Case 3
- Skin belongs to halal to eat animal
- Animal slaughtered Islamically
- Pure by agreement
- Skin belongs to Haram to eat animal and does not unergo Deba5a.
- Impure by agreement.
Leather/Animal Skin
Case 2
- Halal to eat animal is not slaughtered Islamically
- Must undergo Deba5a to become pure by agreement
Case 4
- Skin belongs to Haram to eat animal that undergoes Deba5a.
- Ulamaa differ.
Doubt of Taharah
- Certainty over doubt; doubt cannot defeat certainty.
1)Certain of wudu, doubt hadath=Wudu
2)Certain of hadath, doubt wudu=no wudu
3)Certain of both, does not know which came first=result in time before
Middle Opinion #2
- Thick, no holes, cover ankle, doesn't have to be leather, tight.
Complete Ghusl
When Ghusl Is Required
- After monthly period ends
- After post labor bleeding ends
- After sexual intercourse, weather ejaculation happens or not
- After discharging in sleep or awake
- When someone enters Islam (Ulamaa differ)
- Niyya
- Bismillah
- Wash hands 3 times
- Wash private part and surroundings 3 times
- *Wash hands if you need to
- Wash head 3 times (thoroughly)
- Wash entire body from right to left
Pure Water: Ma2 Tahir
Impure Water:Ma2 Najis
Water that has not been altered in at any of its characteristics. It can be used for 3badah or 3adah.
Impure water that cannot be used for anything.
When Ghusl is Reccommended
Simple/ Sufficient Ghusl
Clean Water: Ma2 Tahoor
This Ghusl just consists of just making sure all of your body is covered with pure water.
Water that has been altered in at least one of its characteristics. It can be used for 3adah.
- During Jumuaa
- After washing a desceased person
- Ghusl for Ihraam
- Ghusl for Eid