Learning Objective: You will create an organic form in solid modeling software.
Essential Question: What primitives and techniques are particularly useful when creating organic forms?
Do Now: Symmetry is at the heart of our Alien design. Describe step-by-step how you would move the eyes from the workplane to the top of the Alien's head while arranging them symmetrically about the body.
Unit 3: Solid Modeling
Project Ignite: Create an Alien
Do Now: Mr. Allatta made it to instruction 9 of Step 2 in the 2nd "Create an Alien" tutorial. His next task is to match the top of the cylinder with the bottoom of the half-sphere. Which tools and strategies would you tell Mr. Allatta are absolutely crucial to doing this precisely? Why are those tools so important?
Due today: Project Ignite - clean up work.
- Complete the Alien design and answer all questions on worksheets 03.23, 03.24, and 03.25.
Today's Deliverable
By the end of this period, your design should look like this!
Basic Laptop Rules:
1. No music. And no headphones - except when watching assigned videos.
2. Only use the laptop assigned to you.
3. Carry the laptop by the base (not the screen).
4. On task - doing so is worth 10% of your overall grade on the assignment.
Walk-through Videos
Linked within 03.25 are videos that walk through the first 4 parts of the Alien Design! Use them to your advantage!
Video 1: Lesson 2 - Main Body and the Mouth
Video 2: Lesson 2 - Creating the Eyes
Video 3: Lesson 2 - Adding details (mouth and tooth)
Video 4: Lesson 3 - Adding the Arms
Our Entrance Expectations
- On time.
- Enter the room calmly and quietly.
- Notebook and writing utensil out.
- Actively working on the Do Now.
Participation points will be awarded weekly
- Meet all four of the above = 1 point for the day
- Miss any one of the above = 0 points for the day