In your own words, how would you define bullying and cyber bullying?
Effects of Bullying
Bullying Prevention
Keep Your Online Activity Monitored
- Make sure you have age restriction on your computers, to ensure safe online activity.
- Keep in contact with any adults or authorities to help keep your online activity safe.
Tell someone!
What is Bullying?
- If you are being bullied
- If you see or hear someone else being bullied
- If those you have told are ignoring the issue...
Cyber Bullying Is..
- Harassing
- Threatening
- Humiliating
..any person through online contact, mobile device, social network, and computer system.
Tell someone else.
Bullying can look like ...
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
A person who is a bully, wants to hurt people on purpose.
Why do you think people bully?
- To feel in control of people
Fitting In
- People have the tendency to want to belong into a certain group/ clique
- Peer pressure
Why you think people don't stop a bully?
- Envying another person whether it be looks, social status, belongings, and characteristics
- Desire for attention and recognition
Classroom Expectations:
- 1 person talking at one time
- Raise your hand when questions are asked.
- 2 warnings and you will be asked to take a break
- We will not discuss or talk about personal situations of bullying. If you have a situation you want to discuss, please let your teacher now later today.
- Mutual joking
- Not meant to harm
- Not usually repeated
- Sometimes friends tease each other.
- Doesn't involve joking around.
- Intent to harm
- Saying mean things over and over again
- Causes someone to feel very sad and not want to come to school anymore.
Both can be mean!
Makes people very sad.
It makes people want to stay home and not go to school.
Bullies can get into a lot of trouble when they are older, because bullying is a crime!
Amanda Todd
- Committed suicide on October 12 2012
- From Port Coquitlam B.C
Was tricked into exposing herself nude to an unknown messenger multiple times. She was blackmailed and forced to repeat the process. She was humiliated by her school after the unknown messenger leaked the photos online. She posted a video describing her struggles, the video became viral after her death.
What you will need:
- Mature attitude
- Take the material seriously
- Give your opinion at the end of the lesson