What is the English Language?
What is an example of a Greek
Word Root?
Essential Questions:
1. Where does the English language come from?
2. What are the basic parts of English words?
The English language is the result of many different influences over a thousand years.
The main three influences on the formation of English are: Anglo-Saxon, Greek, and Latin.
Affix: A word part added to a word stem that forms a new word.
Prefix: An affix added to the beginning of a word.
Suffix: An affix ending that changes the meaning of a word.
Root: What remains of a word after all affixes have been taken off.
Democracy = Demos (people) + cracy (government)
Definition: "Government or rule by the people."
Circumnavigate = circum (around, as in a circle) + navigate (travel)
Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon Word Roots
What is an example of a Latin
Word root?
What are key terms to know?