BCO6181 - ERP Applications
Semester 1, 2014
Victoria University
Presented By:
Michael Owen
License Renewal
First step is most important, you need to obtain the Hardware Key. This can be obtained in two ways:
1. By Entering SAP transaction code SLICENSE and you'll see the screen below:
2. By entering the command prompts below (depending on directory drive settings):
MiniSAP Licensing
License Renewal
- As our MiniSAP systems are effectively only trial versions not Enterprise paid systems they are only issued with a 90 day trial license period.
- If you enter an incorrect Hardware Key, the new license won't update. Example of an incorrect Hardware Key would be 'TEMPLICENSE.'
- As a result, once the 90 days expires, no user acccount (other than SAP*) can log into the SAP GUI until a new license is installed. New licenses can be installed every 90 days continually.
SAP Licensing General Info
License Renewal
- Licensing policy works differently depending on licensing types as well between different SAP systems (ie mySAP Business Suite or R/3 Enterprise software).
- Licenses are governed based on named users where each user has an ID and accounts for one license regardless if they log in or not.
- Once you have the correct Hardware Key, you need to go online to fill out the SAP Sneak Preview License Key Request form (select the right NSP system) and then the license file will be emailed to you. Link https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/minisap/minisap.htm) should work.
(It is crucial the right NSP system be selected).
Typically two main license types:
- Professional License (can be rougly $4,000 per user depending on terms)
- Limited Professional License (mostly for Display Transaction access only - can be roughly $2,000 per user depending on terms)
There are different license types which can also be used. SAP usually tailor their license fees to each of their customers so prices can vary from business to business.
SAP License Renewal on MiniSAP System
Thank You!!!
License Renewal
- New License should be successfully installed and be valid for another 90 days.
- Old License(s) can be deleted as per user preferences.
- Once the license file (NSP.txt) has been emailed to you, download it and save it locally.
- Check that the Hardware Key is correct by opening the file.
License Renewal
- Go back to SAP transaction code SLICENSE and click on New License button. You don't need to click anywhere near Remote Hardware Key (at the bottom), it will direct you to SAP Service Marketplace.
- Review the New License screen and confirm successful installation of new license. All lights should be Green (even next to NetWeaver_ADA name). There should be no Red lights on this screen and all Hardware Keys should match, see below:
License Renewal
- Once in the New License window, click on the "Install" button. The directory explorer will be displayed. Locate the license file (NSP.txt) on your local machine and click Open. A message confirming successful installation of license key will appear, click the tick button.