Our Science project.
Water facts-
Humans and the environment-
- Humans can and will effect and destroy the population of trees.
- The population is increasing, and so industrialization begins to grow even faster.
- Cutting down many trees selfishly for strip malls and fast food restaurants.
- Not only the trees will be gone, but as well animals having to resort to leave some place elsewhere.
- No trees, no food or home for animals causing them to wander into suburban and urban streets and households.
- No trees, no oxygen, thus causes struggle and parish of humanity.
- Trees play an important role of the water cycle (system).
- Man has been hunting animals since the time he acquired the skill.
- In 2004, the average Canadian daily domestic use of fresh water per capital was 329liters.
- Water is a renewable resource
- Canada has a significant amount of freshwater
- Our growing population, and our growing thirst for water is being concentrated in expanding metropolitan areas, and are forcing water regulations and policy makers to find ways to stretch available supply’s even further.
- Water pollution gives a decrease in aquatic sea-life, and animals.
Acid rain kills trees, destroying crops and fish life in lakes and streams.
Climate change-
Climate change is caused by factors that include oceanic processes, solar radiation, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions.
Short term fluctuations, such as the “El Nino southern oscillation”, “ Pacific decadal oscillation”, North Atlantic oscillation”, and the “Arctic oscillation”.
Global warming increases in the temperatures as the Earth due to release of greenhouse gasses like: Carbon dioxide, and Methane.
Polar ice caps are melting faster than they can form.
Global warming:
- Human activities are contributing to global warming by adding excessive amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide accumulate in the atmosphere and trap heat that normally would exit into outer space.
- Global Warming as the concentration of greenhouse gases grows, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere and less escapes back into space. This increase in trapped heat changes the climate and alters weather patterns, which may hasten species extinction, influence the length of seasons, cause coastal flooding, and lead to more frequent and severe storms.
Water pollution-
- Water in this country is generally clean. However, it is sometimes locally or regionally polluted. Pollution enters water bodies in a number of ways, including industrial and municipal discharge, runoff, spills, and deposition of airborne pollutants.
- It is easy to dispose of waste by dumping it into a river or lake. In large or small amounts, dumped intentionally or accidentally, it may be carried away by the current, but will never disappear.
- Freshwater bodies have a great ability to break down some waste materials, but not in the quantities discarded by today's society. This overload that results, called pollution, eventually puts the ecosystem out of balance.
Acid rain-
what is acid rain?
- Acid rain is when fuels and chemicals are mixed and released into the air. Once all the chemicals meet and mix with water like rain or snow it than transforms into more chemicals called sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides.
- These chemicals are very dangerous towards plants, animals and people.
These chemicals are being produced everyday just by running a car, to power stations providing electricity !
By: Jessica, Tamana ,Jade ,Yuki, and Christian !
By: Jessica, Tamana,Jade, Yuki, and Christian