When Hera sees the nymph, she punish her. Now her name's Echo and she only can repit people´s last words. Narcissus is a young man who lives in Greece. When he walks in the forest, Echo sees him. Narcissus talk to her, and he's cruel.
He is a beautiful man . He is really calm and clever . He is tall and thin . He has got blond and short hair .
Then, Aphrodite punish him: he can fall in love with his own reflection. Soon, Narcissus goes to sit next to a lake and he looks through the water. He falls in love with the young man. Narcissus stay next to the lake day and night, and he dies.
One day, Zeus meets a nymph in a forest. He tells her: ''Distract my wife Hera, she doesn't leave me''. The nymph walks and sing, and Hera follows the sound of the voice.
Hades says: ''You can take Eurydice to Earth, but you must play your lyre and she must follow the sound. You mustn't turn around to look at her''. Orpheus leaves the underworld. He plays the lyre, but he thinks Hades is tricking him. Then, he turns around and sees Eurydice behind him, and she disappears for eternity.
When Aristayus is walking on the fields with Eurydice, he tells her how much he loves her. Eurydice runs away of Aristayus, but there's a snake on the grass and it attacks Eurydice, and she dies.When Orpheus hears the notice, he goes to the underworld to see Hades .
Orpheus is a famous musician, he plays the lyre.
He's married to Eurydice and he loves her very much.
One day, his friend comes to stay with them. His name's Aristayus. He falls in love with Eurydice inmediately.
He´s a famous musician . He plays the lyre . He loves Eurydice and he is a good man . He is really nice and clever . He is tall and thin . He has got short and black hair .
Then, Demeter doesn't care about agriculture, and the fields die . But Hades has a decision: on spring and summer she will take care of agriculture with her mum, but on autumn and winter she
will be in the underworld.
Demeter and Zeus have got a daughter:
Persephone. Hades is in love with her immediately. Hades goes to Olympus to find Zeus. He says to Zeus he wants to marry her.
- She is a very beautiful woman . She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter . She is really nice and serious . She is tall and thin . She has got long and blonde hair .
When Persephone is picking flowers with her friends, Hades pull she into a hole on the ground and she disappears. Demeter tries to find her daughter. She goes to Helios and he says Persephone married Hades. Demeter tell Zeus, but he doesn't do anything.