In this contemporary tale of love and friendship, Jodi Picoult brings to life a familiar world, and in a single terrifying moment awakens every parent's worse fear: We think we know our children… but do we ever really know them at all?
Chris: Emily's Boyfriend
- Very sensitive about death and killing things
- Has a rebellious yet innocent personality
Gus: Chris' Mom
- Seems like a "cool mom" to have
- Cares about Chris and Emily
- Has a sweet spot for Michael
James: Chris' Dad
- Very Gruff with Chris
- Doesn't show he cares much about his family
- He loves his job more than anything
Emily: Chris' girlfriend
- Very Insecure
- Not very open about her personal life
Melanie: Emily's Mom
- Very overprotective of Emily
- Considered to be a Witchy Woman (in my opinion)
Michael: Emily's Dad
- Has a thing for Gus (Chris' mom)
- Very intelligent
- Cares a lot about Chris
Chris and Emily have been together since birth- Literally. Chris realized he liked Emily more than a friend when they were 12, But are they destined to live out their lives together?
- Emily was molested when 12 in the mall bathroom after walking into the mens bathroom that Chris dared her to (this is an extremely important event throughout the book)
- Emily Keeps a very specific Journal and is very suicidal
- Chris Genuinely cares for Emily but doesn't know what she wants 90% of the time
- Gus and Michael have a odd love connection But their kids are in a relationship and they are both married
The Pact By Jodi Picoult
Presented by: Olivia Good
Important Setting
Timeline (Dates N/A)
The Carousal Is a MAJOR factor in this book!
Chris used to run the carousal before it shut down and he ran it for Emily whenever she wants.
- Chris and Emily Were Born
- They bond a sibling like friendship for many years
- About 12 years later Chris makes the first move on new years eve
- Chris goes hare hunting and gets queezy
- Emily and Chris fall head over heals- Or do they?
- Emily Finds out she is pregnant and doesn't tell Chris
- Senior year of High School at the Carousal Emily Commits suicide in front of Chris. (Chris supplied the gun and TWO Bullets)
- Chris is put on trial for murder of the second degree
Which leaves us to the Question: What would cause Emily Gold to kill herself?
All the Little Details
Main Characters
The Harte Family
The Gold Family
Book Reviews
"Engrossing… The Pact is compelling reading, right up to the stunning courtroom conclusion. Bottom line: Picoult's deft touch makes this her breakout novel."
—PEOPLE magazine
The Pact
Will Chris Harte Be Charged With MURDER?