Procrastination; verb
- to be slow or late about doing something that should be done
- to delay doing something because you do not want to do it
- to put off intentionally and habitually
Many cultures have differing views on procrastination - especially the French
Subjective Value: how much we value accomplishing a project
- this drives the decision to work on a project
Procrastination occurs when the value of doing something else outweighs the value of working now
Delay Discounting: people are not rational in the way they assign value
- Throughout history, the French have been a lethargic society - physical labor during the Ancien regime was a sign of low status
- David d'Equainville : "Procrastination is an art that brings doubt and skepticism to...standards of efficiency
- This greatly contrasts the American belief in hard work and achievement
- For the French, procrastination can be considered something to celebrate, but for Americans it is simply a problem
- this means that objective and subjective values rarely align, making it difficult to break habits of procrastination
The Art of Procrastination
Effort - projects can often seem unattractive simply because they require effort
- Opportunity Cost: the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen
Lack of Motivation
- even if you excel at a task, if you lack the motivation to complete it, it will never
get done
Emily Eaton
Statistics & Facts
#1 - 20% of the world's population identifies as chronic procrastinators
#2 - 70% of college students identify as procrastinators
#3 - Procrastination increases stress, weakens your immune system and puts you at risk for poor health
#4 - Procrastination is a learned behavior - this means that it can be unlearned!
Do You...
- overestimate the time you have remaining until deadlines?
- underestimate completion time?
- overestimate how motivated you will feel the next day when putting tasks off?
- think that succeeding at a task requires that you feel like doing it?
- think that working when you do not want to is suboptimal?
- actively look for distractions?
Stop Procrastinating!
- Make lists
- Write statements of intention
- Set realistic goals
- Break it down into specific tasks
- Make each task meaningful
- Promise yourself a reward
- Be honest about what you will and will not do
- Increase the amount of time you think it will take you to complete a task