Head of School Welcome
August 12, 2016
Philosophy and Purpose of Education
A Timeline of Influences and Influencers
- Is open-ended; that is, it typically will not have a single, final, and correct answer.
- Is thought-provoking and intellectually engaging, often sparking discussion and debate.
- Calls for higher-order thinking, such as analysis, inference, evaluation, prediction. It cannot be effectively answered by recall alone.
- Points toward important, transferable ideas within (and sometimes across) disciplines.
- Raises additional questions and sparks further inquiry.
- Requires support and justification, not just an answer.
- Recurs over time; that is, the question can and should be revisited again and again.
Essential Questions
April 3, 2010
July 15, 2005
July 1, 2016
February, 1991
December 8, 1993
President Bill Clinton signs NAFTA into law
First day at Harding Academy
First Day at Johns Hopkins University, School of Education
What does it mean to grow up in a FLAT world?
How will the exponential rate of change in technology impact our lives?
What does it mean to be an educator in the 21st Century?
How does Harding educate and inspire young people to become thoughtful, creative, lifelong learners and self-disciplined, responsible, caring citizens?
What does it mean to grow up in FLAT world?
What does it mean to live in an age of insecurity?
What does it mean to be an educator in the 21st century?
What is the future of independent schools?
How will the exponential rate of change in technology impact our life?
What does it mean to raise good kids who will come of age in 2035?
How does Harding educate and inspire young people to become thoughtful, creative, lifelong learners and self-disciplined, responsible, caring citizens?
Related Influencers:
- John Dewey, Democracy and Education
- Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
- Carol Dweck, Mindset
- Mihaly Csikszenthmihalyi, Flow
- Dan Pink, A Whole New Mind and Drive
Related Influencers:
- Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the 21st Century
- Karl Fisch, "Did You Know?" video series
- Claude M. Steele, Whistling Vivaldi
- Susan Carrese, Paul Kim, and Jack Creeden, Meaning and Utility: Keeping The Humanities and Global Education Central to Learning
Related Influencers:
- Milton Chen, Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovation
- Chris Bigenho, "Detecting the Signal in the Noise"
- Edutopia
- danah boyd, It's Complicated
- fMRIs and Moore's Law
- Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World
Related Influencers:
- Students, Faculty, Staff, Administration, Board, Parents
- Alumni, Past Board, Past Faculty, Alumni Parents
- Grandparents, Neighbors, ISNA Schools, Nashville
September 26, 2011
September 15, 2008 --> February 17, 2009 --> July 24, 2009
September 11, 2001
Lehman Brothers fails --> American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is passed --> Race to the Top is announced
and March 3, 2013 and April 27, 2014 and August 4, 2015
The Attacks on the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and UA Flight 93
What is the future of independent schools?
What does it mean to raise good kids who will come of age in 2035?
What does it mean to live in an age of insecurity?
Related Influencers:
- Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals
- Michael Lewis, The Big Short and Coach
- Andrew Ross Sorkin, Too Big to Fail
- Jim Collins, Good to Great
- Chip and Dan Heath, Made to Stick
- Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, and David and Goliath
- John Wooden, A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court
- Pat Bassett, "Schools of the Future" (TEDX) and "Demonstrations of Learning for 21st Century Schools"
Related Influencers:
- JoAnn Deak, Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters
- Leonard Sax, Boys Adrift
- Rosalind Wiseman, Queen Bees and Wannabes
- Po Bronson and Ashley Merriman, NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children
- Wendy Mogel, The Blessing of a Skinned Knee
- Jessica Lahey, The Gift of Failure
- R.J. Palacio, Wonder
- Race to Nowhere
Related Influencers:
- The 9/11 Commission, The 9/11 Commission Report
- Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire