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The green part are the wolves that are alive right now
The red part are the parts of the world that used to have wolves in them
Human Population
The more Humans the less wolves. Humans destroy
their homes, the food chain and water sources
Lastly if there were no wolves coyotes would take advantage of the food chain
One of there food is elk so without them the elk would overgraze and take all of the nutrients from the ground
A few reasons why the grey wolf is a keystone specie are:
A keystone specie is a type of animal that others depend on. If they were taken away, the environment would tremendously change.
How should we protect them?
- you can "adopt a wolf" by sending money to organizations like Defenders of wildlife or National Federation ofWildlife
- Always recycle
- Clean up the woods nearest to you
- Stay away from them (it helps)
- Finally make sure that lots of people know about the wolves so that they can help too
- a large percent of people think that coyotes are wolves (THEY AREN'T)
- The heaviest wolves are 200 lbs
The grey wolf is considered a keystone specie because it is an animal at the top of the food chain
Grey Wolves- Keystone Species
Myths tall tails and legends make people afraid of them
Ranchers and farmers kill them because are worried about their animal
Humans are the number one reason that every animal is threatened so for the grey wolf here are some reasons what they are doing:
Elk eat aspen groves so if there were no wolves there would not be a healthy amount of aspen groves
Elks will start to starve and the predator higher than them will have nothing to eat if they die
- wikipedia