Need & Rationale
Goal of the Group
- Self -esteem is critical indicator of effecting overall mental health and psychological problems.
- Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse, alcoholism, neuroticism, and schizophrenia.
- Females tend to struggle with their self-esteem.
Group Composition
- To help females grades 6-8 enhance and increase their overall self- esteem.
- Provide information on what self-esteem is, how to promote higher levels of self esteem, increase their positive self image and identify & become a role model for themselves and younger girls.
- Characteristics: Overly shy, passive, submissive, quiet, needy and or promiscuous.
Selection Procedures
Logistics of the Group
- Confidentiality agreement (relationship between client(s) and therapist.
- Once a week for 40 minutes for a total of 6 weeks.
Group Counseling Proposal:
You Are Beautiful