ARP Treatment
- Increases efficiency of body systems response to work
- Decrease muscle protective contraction, Increase ROM
- Effective training and recovery simultaneously
- Teaching muscles with every contraction there needs to be an equal velocity load and elongation of antagonist muscle
- Identifies overcompensation patter/ detrains compensation pattern
- Results: Correct motor pattern established
- Injury:
- Joint Problems, Tears, Sprains, Fractures, Repetitive Tasks
- Cause: Muscle improperly absorbing force
- "hurt" area not injured area
- Treatment:
- Placing electrode pads on injured area/ ROM exercises= eccentric (lengthening) of muscle, critical to recovery
- Result:
- Pain/Weakness resolved
- Muscle able to stabilize Body
What is the APR?
- Proprietary tool in accordance with ARP Protocol
- Used on Injured Muscle Tissue
- Direct Current (DC) with Background waveform
- Harmonious with body=reduced skin/fatty tissue impedance
- Deep penetration without skin burn
Who Uses ARP?
Muscle Related Use
- ARP Waveform
- Decrease recovery time
- Prevention
- Promotes Neurological Harmony
- ARP POV Sport
- Generates increased strength, increased speed, increased joint and limb mobility, increased blood flow, reduced inflammation, and decreased recovery time.
- Relaxation of muscle spams
- Prevention/retardation of disuse atrophy
- Increase local blood circulation
- Maintaining/ increasing ROM
- Preparation for PT
- Ppl with chronic pain
- Elite Athletes
- Post Surgical Patients
- Patients seeking alternative to surgery
Different From Other Therapy
- Muscles in compensation mode Identified
- Over load placed on compensating muscle= de-training of compensation pattern
- ROM Exercises increase Eccentric Contraction
- Increased blood flow
- Repairing injured cells/connective tissue
- Brain, Neurological System, Muscles all Connected
Cooper MS, Schliwa M. Electrical and Iconic controls of tissue cell locomotion in DC eclectic fields. J. Neurosci Res, 13: 223-244, 1985.
Friedenberg ZB, Kohanim M. The effect of direct current on bone. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 131: 894-899, 1970.
Pethig R, Kell DZB. The passive electrical properties of biological systems: their significance in physiology, biophysics, and biotechnology. Phys Med Bio, 32 (8): 933-970, 1987.
Advanced Recovery Performance
Neurological Stimulator
Ryan Townsend
Biokinetics Junior